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There are 14 words containing 3B, E, L and M

BOMBABLEbombable adj. Suitable for bombing; that can be bombed.
BOMBABLE adj. able to be bombed.
BUBBLEGUMbubblegum n. (Usually uncountable) A sweet chewing gum formulated to be stretchy so the chewer can blow bubbles with it.
bubblegum n. (Sometimes derogatory) A type of pop music marked by sweetness, pep and charm (rather than depth or complexity).
bubblegum n. (Countable and uncountable) A light pink colour, like bubblegum.
BUMBLEBEEbumblebee n. Any of several species of large bee in the genus Bombus.
bumblebee n. A mid yellow.
bumble-bee n. Alternative form of bumblebee.
BABBLEMENTbabblement n. (Obsolete) babble.
BABBLEMENT n. babble.
BUBBLEGUMSbubblegums n. Plural of bubblegum.
bubble-gums n. Plural of bubble-gum.
bubble␣gums n. Plural of bubble gum.
BUMBLEBEESbumblebees n. Plural of bumblebee.
bumble-bees n. Plural of bumble-bee.
bumble␣bees n. Plural of bumble bee.
BABBLEMENTSbabblements n. Plural of babblement.
BABBLEMENT n. babble.
BRABBLEMENTbrabblement n. (Dated) A brabble; a noisy contest or wrangle.
BRABBLEMENT n. (archaic) a squabbling.
BUMBLEBERRYbumbleberry n. Applied to pies, juices, etc. made with a mixture of various berries and sometimes other fruits.
BUMBLEBERRY n. (Canadian) a mixture of berries used in pie fillings and in preserves.
BLABBERMOUTHblabbermouth n. (Informal) A gossip.
blabbermouth n. (Informal) A person who talks excessively.
blabbermouth n. (Aviation) A kind of foam-dispensing nozzle used in firefighting at airports.
BRABBLEMENTSbrabblements n. Plural of brabblement.
BRABBLEMENT n. (archaic) a squabbling.
MICROBUBBLESmicrobubbles n. Plural of microbubble.
MICROBUBBLES n. a contrast medium used with ultrasound, consisting of tiny bubbles of gas introduced into the vascular system.
BLABBERMOUTHSblabbermouths n. Plural of blabbermouth.
BLABBERMOUTH n. an indiscreetly talkative person.
BUMBLEBERRIESbumbleberries n. Plural of bumbleberry.
BUMBLEBERRY n. (Canadian) a mixture of berries used in pie fillings and in preserves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 120 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 127 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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