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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing B, N, 3O and S

BONHOMOUSbonhomous adj. Good-natured; full of bonhomie.
BONHOMOUS adj. full of bonhomie, good nature; pleasant and easy manner.
BOOMTOWNSboomtowns n. Plural of boomtown.
boom␣towns n. Plural of boom town.
BOOMTOWN n. a town which has expanded rapidly and prospered.
BOONDOCKSboondocks n. Plural of boondock.
BOONDOCK n. (Tagalog) a remote and wild place.
BOSTHOONSBOSTHOON n. (Irish) a boor.
DIOBOLONSDIOBOLON n. (Greek) an ancient Greek coin, also DIOBOL.
DOORKNOBSdoorknobs n. Plural of doorknob.
door␣knobs n. Plural of door knob.
DOORKNOB n. a handle for opening a door.
DOUBLOONSdoubloons n. Plural of doubloon.
DOUBLOON n. an obsolete Spanish gold coin, also DOBLA, DOBLON.
GOMBROONSGOMBROON n. a type of Persian pottery.
HORNBOOKShornbooks n. Plural of hornbook.
HORNBOOK n. an ancient child's schoolbook comprising alphabet, digits, etc. on parchment covered with sheet of horn.
MONOBROWSmonobrows n. Plural of monobrow.
MONOBROW n. a derogatory word for eyebrows that meet, also UNIBROW.
MOONBOOTSmoonboots n. Plural of moonboot.
moon␣boots n. Plural of moon boot.
MOONBOOTS n. thickly padded boots having a fabric outer covering.
NOTEBOOKSnotebooks n. Plural of notebook.
note␣books n. Plural of note book.
NOTEBOOK n. a book in which to write.
OBNOXIOUSobnoxious adj. Extremely offensive or unpleasant; very annoying, contemptible, or odious.
obnoxious adj. (Archaic or obsolete) Exposed or vulnerable to something, especially harm or injury.
obnoxious adj. (Obsolete).
SNOWBOOTSsnowboots n. Plural of snowboot.
SNOWBOOT n. a boot for walking in snow.
SONGBOOKSsongbooks n. Plural of songbook.
song␣books n. Plural of song book.
SONGBOOK n. a book of songs.
SONOBUOYSsonobuoys n. Plural of sonobuoy.
SONOBUOY n. a buoy that detects and transmits underwater sounds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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