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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing B, L, N, R, S and T

BLURTINGSblurtings n. Plural of blurting.
BLURTING n. the act of blurting, speaking without due thought.
BRANTAILSbrantails n. Plural of brantail.
BRANTAIL n. the redstart, so called from the red color of its tail.
BRATLINGSbratlings n. Plural of bratling.
BRATLING n. a little brat.
BRISTLINGbristling adj. Having bristles.
bristling adj. Showing anger.
bristling v. Present participle of bristle.
LASTBORNSlastborns n. Plural of lastborn.
last-borns n. Plural of last-born.
LASTBORN n. a child born last in a family.
RINGBOLTSringbolts n. Plural of ringbolt.
RINGBOLT n. an eyebolt having a ring through the eye.
STILLBORNstillborn adj. Dead at birth.
stillborn adj. (Figuratively, by extension) Ignored, without influence, or unsuccessful from the outset; abortive.
stillborn n. A baby that is born dead.
SUBALTERNsubaltern adj. Of a lower rank or position; inferior or secondary; especially (military) ranking as a junior officer…
subaltern adj. (Logic) Asserting only a part of what is asserted in a related proposition.
subaltern n. A subordinate.
TREBLINGSTREBLING n. the act of multiplying by three.
TRIBUNALStribunals n. Plural of tribunal.
TRIBUNAL n. a court of justice.
TURBINALSturbinals n. Plural of turbinal.
TURBINAL n. a scroll-like bone of the nose, also TURBINATE.
UNSTABLERunstabler adj. Comparative form of unstable: more unstable.
UNSTABLE adj. not stable, also INSTABLE.
UNSUBTLERunsubtler adj. Comparative form of unsubtle: more unsubtle.
UNSUBTLE adj. not subtle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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