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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing B, K, N, O, S and T

AUTOBANKSAUTOBANK n. a machine offering cash and other banking services.
BAKESTONEbakestone n. Synonym of baking stone.
bakestone n. Synonym of Welshcake.
BAKESTONE n. a flat stone or iron plate on which cakes are baked in an oven.
BANKNOTESbanknotes n. Plural of banknote.
bank␣notes n. Plural of bank note.
BANKNOTE n. a paper unit of currency.
BOATNECKSboatnecks n. Plural of boatneck.
BOATNECK n. a wide open neck on a garment.
BONTEBOKSbonteboks n. Plural of bontebok.
BONTEBOK n. (South African) the pied antelope of South Africa, also BONTBOK.
BOOKSTANDbookstand n. A small stall where books are sold.
bookstand n. A rack for holding books; a bookrack.
bookstand n. A stand, made for holding books open.
BOOTIKINSbootikins n. Plural of bootikin.
BOOTIKIN n. (obsolete) a little boot, legging, or gaiter.
KERBSTONEkerbstone n. A paving stone that forms part of a kerb.
kerb-stone n. Alternative form of kerbstone.
kerb␣stone n. Alternative form of kerbstone.
KINGBOLTSkingbolts n. Plural of kingbolt.
KINGBOLT n. a central bolt connecting an axle to a vehicle, also KINGPIN.
KNITBONESKNITBONE n. the plant comfrey.
KNOBBIESTknobbiest adj. Superlative form of knobby: most knobby.
KNOBBY adj. full of knobs.
KNOBSTICKknobstick n. A stick with a rounded knob at the end.
knobstick n. (Slang) One who refuses to join, or withdraws from, a trade union.
KNOBSTICK n. a stick with a round knob at the end, used as a club or missile by South African tribesmen.
NOTEBOOKSnotebooks n. Plural of notebook.
note␣books n. Plural of note book.
NOTEBOOK n. a book in which to write.
STEENBOKSsteenboks n. Plural of steenbok.
STEINBOCKsteinbock n. A type of ibex.
STEINBOCK n. (South African) a small South African antelope, also STEENBOK, STEENBUCK, STEINBOK, STEMBOK, STEMBUCK.
STEINBOKSsteinboks n. Plural of steinbok.
STEINBOK n. (South African) a small South African antelope, also STEENBOK, STEENBUCK, STEINBOCK, STEMBOK, STEMBUCK.
STOPBANKSstopbanks n. Plural of stopbank.
STOPBANK n. (New Zealand) an embankment along a river.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 67 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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