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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing B, I, R, S and 2U

BICURIOUSbicurious adj. Alternative spelling of bi-curious.
bi-curious adj. (LGBT) Interested in having relationships with both men and women, curious about one’s potential bisexuality;…
BICURIOUS adj. not identifying oneself as bisexual but interested in the possibilites.
BUNBURIESBunburies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Bunbury.
BUNBURY v. to create a fictitious scenario that provides an excuse for avoiding unwanted engagements.
BURQUINISBURQUINI n. a swimming costume which covers the whole body with the exception of the face, hands, and feet, suitable for wear by Muslim women, also BURKINI.
CUCURBITScucurbits n. Plural of cucurbit.
CUCURBIT n. a chemical vessel used in a still or alembic.
LUBRICOUSlubricous adj. (Mycology, biology) Slimy to the touch.
LUMBRICUSLumbricus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lumbricidae – includes most well-known European earthworms.
LUMBRICUS n. (Latin) a genus of annelids including the common earthworm.
MUIRBURNSMUIRBURN n. the seasonal burning of heather on moorland to promote new growth, also MOORBURN.
RUBIDIUMSrubidiums n. Plural of rubidium.
RUBIDIUM n. a metallic element.
RUBINEOUSrubineous adj. Of a glassy semitransparent crimson, like a ruby.
RUBINEOUS adj. ruby-red.
SUBURBIASsuburbias n. Plural of suburbia.
SUBURBIA n. the suburbs of a city.
SUBURSINEsubursine adj. (Zoology, rare) Not perfectly ursine; only somewhat like a bear.
SUBURSINE adj. almost like a bear.
UNBRUISEDunbruised adj. Not bruised.
UNBRUISED adj. not bruised, also UNBRIZZED, UNBRUSED.
VIBURNUMSviburnums n. Plural of viburnum.
VIBURNUM n. (Latin) a kind of shrub or tree including the guelder-rose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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