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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, I, O, P, R and T

ABRUPTIONabruption n. (Archaic) A sudden termination or interruption.
abruption n. A sudden breaking off; a violent separation of bodies.
ABRUPTION n. a sudden, violent separation.
BIOPARENTbioparent n. Biological parent.
BIOPARENT n. a biological parent, not a stepparent.
BIOPIRATEbiopirate n. (Derogatory) One who engages in biopiracy.
BIOPIRATE n. one who practises biopiracy.
BIOTROPHSbiotrophs n. Plural of biotroph.
BIOTROPH n. a parasitic organism such as a fungus.
BOWSPRITSbowsprits n. Plural of bowsprit.
BOWSPRIT n. a spar that extends at the bows of a ship.
IMPROBITYimprobity n. A lack of probity, honesty or integrity.
IMPROBITY n. dishonesty.
OBREPTIONobreption n. (Obsolete) The act of creeping upon with secrecy or by surprise.
obreption n. (Obsolete, Scotland, law) Act of obtaining gifts of escheat by fraud or surprise.
OBREPTION n. (obsolete) an attempt to obtain ecclesiastical dispensation, etc. fraudulently.
POLITBUROpolitburo n. The governing council and chief policymaking body of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and other…
politburo n. (By extension, sometimes derogatory) A senior governing or policymaking body in a political or other…
Politburo prop.n. Any of various politburos, especially that of the Soviet Union or that of the People’s Republic of China.
POTBOILERpotboiler n. Alternative spelling of pot boiler.
pot-boiler n. Alternative spelling of pot boiler.
pot␣boiler n. (Mildly derogatory) A creative work of low quality (book, art, etc), produced merely to earn a living…
PREBIOTICprebiotic n. (Chiefly in the plural) A substance in food that is hard to digest and promotes the growth of beneficial…
prebiotic adj. Before the advent of life.
prebiotic adj. (Of a food) Not digestible, but beneficial.
PREOBTAINpreobtain v. (Transitive) To obtain beforehand.
PREOBTAIN v. to obtain in advance.
PROBATINGprobating v. Present participle of probate.
PROBATE v. to establish the validity of a will.
PROBATIONprobation n. A period of time when a person occupies a position only conditionally and may easily be removed for poor performance.
probation n. (Law) A type of sentence where convicted criminals are allowed to continue living in the community but…
probation n. A testing period of time.
PROBATIVEprobative adj. (Law) Tending to prove a particular proposition or to persuade someone of the truth of an allegation.
PROBATIVE adj. testing, affording proof, also PROBATORY.
PROBIOTICprobiotic n. (Bacteriology) A food or dietary supplement, such as a yogurt, containing live bacteria for therapeutic reasons.
probiotic adj. (Ecology) Of, or relating to probiosis; ecologic facilitation.
probiotic adj. Describing any dietary supplement that contains live bacteria for therapeutic purposes.
PROBITIESprobities n. Plural of probity.
PROBITY n. complete and confirmed integrity.
PROHIBITSprohibits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prohibit.
PROHIBIT v. to forbid with authority.
SAPROBITYsaprobity n. (Ecology) A measure of the amount of decaying organic material in an environment such as a river.
SAPROBITY n. the state of being a saprobe.
SPORTBIKEsportbike n. A motorcycle optimized for speed, acceleration, braking, and cornering on paved roads, typically at…
sport␣bike n. Alternative spelling of sportbike.
SPORTBIKE n. a kind of high-speed, high-performance motorcycle.
SUBTROPICsubtropic n. A subtropical region.
SUBTROPIC adj. relating to the area lying between the Tropic of Cancer and 40 degrees N, and the Tropic of Capricorn and 40 degrees south, also SUBTROPICAL.
SUBTROPIC n. a subtropical region.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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