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There are 18 nine-letter words containing B, I, N and 3S

ABSCISINSabscisins n. Plural of abscisin.
ABSCISIN n. abscisic acid, a plant hormone which triggers the fall of autumn leaves in certain trees, also ABSCISSIN, DORMIN.
ABSCISSINabscissin n. (Biochemistry, dated) A plant hormone controlling the dropping off or abscission of certain plant parts…
ABSCISSIN n. abscisic acid, a plant hormone which triggers the fall of autumn leaves in certain trees, also ABSCISIN, DORMIN.
BASSINETSbassinets n. Plural of bassinet.
BASSINET n. a basket used as a bed for a baby.
BASSLINESbasslines n. Plural of bassline.
BASSLINE n. the lowest line in a piece of jazz or popular music, provided by a bass instrument or electronically.
BIGNESSESbignesses n. Plural of bigness.
BIGNESS n. the state of being big.
BLESSINGSblessings n. Plural of blessing.
Blessings prop.n. Plural of Blessing.
BLESSING n. a prayer, a wish for success.
BOSKINESSboskiness n. Boscage.
boskiness n. The state or quality of being bosky.
BOSKINESS n. the state of being bosky, wooded.
BOSSINESSbossiness n. The characteristic of being bossy.
BOSSINESS n. the state of being bossy.
BRISKNESSbriskness n. The property of being brisk.
BRISKNESS n. the state of being brisk.
BUSHINESSbushiness n. The characteristic of being bushy.
BUSHINESS n. the condition of being bushy.
BUSINESSYbusinessy adj. (Informal) Businesslike, or related to business.
BUSINESSY adj. relating to business.
BUSTINESSbustiness n. The condition or state of being busty.
BUSTINESS n. the state of being busty.
OBSESSINGobsessing v. Present participle of obsess.
OBSESS v. to dominate the thoughts of.
OBSESSIONobsession n. The quality of being obsessed.
obsession n. An idea that engenders a compulsive or irrational preoccupation, or the preoccupation thereby engendered.
obsession n. An activity or entity that inspires a compulsive and potentially unhealthy fixation, or the fixation thereby inspired.
SENSIBLESsensibles n. Plural of sensible.
SENSIBLE n. something that can be sensed.
SNOBBISMSsnobbisms n. Plural of snobbism.
SNOBBISM n. the practice of snobbery.
SUBBASINSsubbasins n. Plural of subbasin.
SUBBASIN n. a section of an area drained by a river.
UNBIASSESunbiasses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unbias.
UNBIAS v. to free from bias.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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