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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing B, I, N, O, S and Y

ANYBODIESanybodies pron. (Nonstandard) plural of anybody.
anybodies pron. (Nonstandard) possessive form of anybody.
ANYBODY n. a single person.
BABYCINOSbabycinos n. Plural of babycino.
BABYCINO n. a drink of frothy steamed milk, often served with a sweet topping, also BABYCCINO.
BIOPSYINGbiopsying v. Present participle of biopsy.
BIOPSY v. to examine tissue from a living body.
BODYLINESbodylines n. Plural of bodyline.
body␣lines n. Plural of body line.
BODYLINE n. in cricket, a style of bowling, directly at the batsman.
BRIMSTONYbrimstony adj. Containing or resembling brimstone; sulphurous.
BRIMSTONY adj. containing or resembling brimstone.
INSOLUBLYinsolubly adv. In an insoluble manner; irresolubly, irresolvably.
INSOLUBLE adv. that cannot be solved.
KYBOSHINGkyboshing v. Present participle of kybosh.
KYBOSH v. to put a stop to, also KIBOSH.
LOBBYINGSlobbyings n. Plural of lobbying.
LOBBYING n. the act of lobbying.
OBSCENITYobscenity n. (Countable) Something that is obscene.
obscenity n. (Countable) An act of obscene behaviour.
obscenity n. (Countable) Specifically, an offensive word; a profanity; a dirty word.
OBSTINACYobstinacy n. The state, or an act, of stubbornness or doggedness.
OBSTINACY n. stubbornness.
SOBBINGLYsobbingly adv. In a sobbing manner.
SOBBING adv. making a sobbing noise.
SYMBIONTSsymbionts n. Plural of symbiont.
SYMBIONT n. (Greek) an organism living in close association with another, also SYMBION, SYMBIOT, SYMBIOTE.
SYMBOLINGsymboling v. Present participle of symbol.
SYMBOL v. to serve as a representation.
SYNBIOTICsynbiotic adj. Both prebiotic and probiotic.
synbiotic n. Any substance that is both prebiotic and probiotic.
SYNBIOTIC n. a substance that contains a probiotic and a prebiotic that supports it.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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