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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing B, I, N, O and 2R

ABHORRINGabhorring n. Detestation.
abhorring n. A detested thing.
abhorring v. Present participle of abhor.
BORDERINGbordering v. Present participle of border.
bordering adj. Having a common boundary or border.
bordering n. A pattern or ornament forming a border.
BORROWINGborrowing v. Present participle of borrow.
borrowing v. (Slang, crime) Slang term for shoplifting.
borrowing n. An instance of something being borrowed.
BRAINWORKbrainwork n. Work done with the brain; mental effort.
BRAINWORK n. work done with the brain.
BROKERINGbrokering v. Present participle of broker.
brokering n. The act of one who brokers; mediation.
BROKERING n. bargaining, negotiation.
BURROWINGburrowing v. Present participle of burrow.
burrowing n. The act or result of making a burrow.
BURROW v. to dig a hole or tunnel in the ground.
CORNBRAIDCORNBRAID v. to braid hair in cornrows, also CORNROW.
CORNCRIBScorncribs n. Plural of corncrib.
corn␣cribs n. Plural of corn crib.
CORNCRIB n. a building in which corn is stored.
FIRSTBORNfirstborn n. The first child to be born to a parent or family.
firstborn adj. Born as the first one in a family, flock or the like.
firstborn adj. Most excellent; most distinguished or exalted.
FOREBRAINforebrain n. (Neuroanatomy) The anterior part of the brain, including the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus.
FOREBRAIN n. the anterior region of the embryonic brain.
HARBORINGharboring v. Present participle of harbor.
HARBOR v. to shelter, also HARBOUR.
IRONBARKSironbarks n. Plural of ironbark.
IRONBARK n. a species of Australian eucalyptus, also IRONWOOD.
MERBROMINmerbromin n. (Medicine) A topical antiseptic that is an organomercury derivative of fluorescein.
MERBROMIN n. a green crystalline mercurial compound used as an antiseptic and germicide.
REPROBINGreprobing n. Probing again.
REPROBE v. to probe again.
RESORBINGresorbing v. Present participle of resorb.
RESORB v. to absorb again.
RIBBONIERRIBBONY adj. adorned with ribbons.
THORNBIRDthornbird n. A small South American bird (Anumbius annumbi) that builds a large and complex nest of twigs and thorns.
THORNBIRD n. any of several tropical birds of the genus Phacellodomus that construct large globe-shaped nests.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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