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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing B, I, N, 2O and U

BIOGENOUSbiogenous adj. Biogenic; produced by living things.
BIOGENOUS adj. parasitic; biogenic.
BOUILLONSbouillons n. Plural of bouillon.
BOUILLON n. (French) a strong broth.
BUPROPIONbupropion n. (Pharmacology) An antidepressant drug which is also given to relieve the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
BUPROPION n. an antidepressant drug used in the treatment of nicotine addiction.
COENOBIUMcoenobium n. (Biology) An arranged colony of algae that acts as a single organism; coenobe.
coenobium n. Alternative spelling of cenobium (“monastic community”).
cœnobium n. Obsolete spelling of cenobium.
IRONBOUNDironbound adj. Bound with iron, ironclad.
ironbound adj. (Figurative) Rugged.
ironbound adj. (Figurative) Rigid, unyielding.
OBNOXIOUSobnoxious adj. Extremely offensive or unpleasant; very annoying, contemptible, or odious.
obnoxious adj. (Archaic or obsolete) Exposed or vulnerable to something, especially harm or injury.
obnoxious adj. (Obsolete).
OBTRUSIONobtrusion n. An interference or intrusion.
obtrusion n. An encroachment beyond proper limits.
OBTRUSION n. an unwanted thrusting in, forward or upon.
OUTBOXINGoutboxing v. Present participle of outbox.
OUTBOX v. to surpass in boxing.
UNBOOKISHunbookish adj. Not bookish.
UNBOOKISH adj. not bookish.
UNBOOTINGunbooting v. Present participle of unboot.
UNBOOT v. to take off the boots.
UNOBVIOUSunobvious adj. Not obvious.
UNOBVIOUS adj. not obvious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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