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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, I, 2N, R and S

BANGSRINGbangsring n. Alternative form of banxring.
BANGSRING n. (Javanese) a tree-shrew, an East Indian insectivorous mammal, also BANXRING.
BANNISTERbannister n. Alternative form of banister.
Bannister prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation for a maker of baskets.
Bannister prop.n. An unincorporated community in Elba Township, Gratiot County, Michigan, United States.
BANXRINGSbanxrings n. Plural of banxring.
BANXRING n. (Javanese) a tree-shrew, an E. Indian insectivorous mammal, also BANGSRING.
BEGINNERSbeginners n. Plural of beginner.
BEGINNER n. one who begins, a novice.
BRAINPANSbrainpans n. Plural of brainpan.
brain-pans n. Plural of brain-pan.
BRAINPAN n. the upper part of the skull.
BRANDINGSbrandings n. Plural of branding.
brandings n. (Australia) A children’s game in which one player tosses a tennis ball at other players who vigorously…
BRANDING n. the promoting of a product by associating it with a brand name.
BRANNIESTbranniest adj. Superlative form of branny: most branny.
BRANNY adj. containing bran.
BRINGINGSbringings n. Plural of bringing.
BRINGING n. the act of bringing.
BRININESSbrininess n. The characteristic of being briny.
BRININESS n. the state of being briny.
BRONZINGSbronzings n. Plural of bronzing.
BRONZING n. a brownish colouring.
BROWNINGSbrownings n. Plural of browning.
Brownings n. Plural of Browning.
BROWNING n. the process of making brown.
CINNABARScinnabars n. Plural of cinnabar.
CINNABAR n. the principal ore of mercury.
ENDBRAINSendbrains n. Plural of endbrain.
ENDBRAIN n. a part of the brain.
FIBRANNESFIBRANNE n. a fabric made of spun rayon yarn.
NINEBARKSninebarks n. Plural of ninebark.
NINEBARK n. a flowering shrub.
RAINBANDSrainbands n. Plural of rainband.
RAINBAND n. a dark band in the earth's atmosphere, caused by the presence of water vapour in the earth's atmosphere.
RENMINBISrenminbis n. Plural of renminbi.
RENMINBI n. (Chinese) the currency of the People's Republic of China since 1948.
RINGBONESring-bones n. Plural of ring-bone.
RINGBONE n. a bony growth on a horse's foot.
SUBORNINGsuborning v. Present participle of suborn.
suborning n. The act of one who suborns.
SUBORN v. to induce to commit perjury.
WINDBURNSwindburns n. Plural of windburn.
WINDBURN v. to cause irritation to the skin by wind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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