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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing B, I, 2L, R and T

BELITTLERbelittler n. One who belittles.
BELITTLER n. one who belittles.
BILATERALbilateral adj. Having two sides.
bilateral adj. Involving both sides equally.
bilateral adj. (Of an agreement) Binding on both of the two parties involved.
BILITERALbiliteral adj. Composed of two letters.
biliteral adj. Written in two different scripts.
BILITERAL adj. consisting of two letters; as, a biliteral root of a Sanskrit verb.
BILLETERSBILLETER n. one who billets.
BOLLETRIEbolletrie n. Alternative form of bully tree.
BOLLETRIE n. a West Indian saponaceous tree, aka balata, also BULLETRIE.
BRAILLISTbraillist n. A person who uses the braille writing system.
BRAILLIST n. one who uses braille, also BRAILLER.
BRILLIANTbrilliant adj. Shining brightly.
brilliant adj. (Of a colour) Both bright and saturated.
brilliant adj. (Of a voice or sound) Having a sharp, clear tone.
BRITTLELYbrittlely adv. In a brittle way.
BRITTLE adv. frail.
BULLETRIEbulletrie n. Alternative form of bully tree.
BULLETRIE n. a West Indian saponaceous tree, also BOLLETRIE.
DIRTBALLSdirtballs n. Plural of dirtball.
DIRTBALL n. a dirty or contemptible person.
FILTRABLEfiltrable adj. Alternative form of filterable.
FILTRABLE adj. capable of being filtered, also FILTERABLE.
ORBITALLYorbitally adv. (Sciences) By means of or in relation to orbit.
orbitally adv. (Physics, chemistry) By means of or in relation to an orbital or orbitals.
ORBITAL adv. relating to an orbit.
RUBELLITErubellite n. A red to violet variety of tourmaline used as a gemstone.
RUBELLITE n. a variety of tourmaline varying in color from a pale rose to a deep ruby, and containing lithium.
STILLBORNstillborn adj. Dead at birth.
stillborn adj. (Figuratively, by extension) Ignored, without influence, or unsuccessful from the outset; abortive.
stillborn n. A baby that is born dead.
THORNBILLthornbill n. Any of the passerine birds of the genus Acanthiza, native to Australia.
thornbill n. Any of the hummingbirds of the genera Chalcostigma and Ramphomicron, native to the Americas.
THORNBILL n. any one of several species of small, brilliantly colored American birds, which have a long, slender, sharp bill.
TRAILABLEtrailable adj. (Railways) Of a system of points: arranged so that the train may run through them in a trailing direction…
TRAILABLE adj. that can be trailed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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