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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing B, I, 2L, P and S

BULLWHIPSbullwhips n. Plural of bullwhip.
bull-whips n. Plural of bull-whip.
bull-whips v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bull-whip.
PILLBOXESpillboxes n. Plural of pillbox.
pill-boxes n. Plural of pill-box.
PILLBOX n. a small box for pills.
PITHBALLSpithballs n. Plural of pithball.
PITHBALL n. a pellet of pith.
PLAUSIBLEplausible adj. Seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable; conceivably true or likely.
plausible adj. Obtaining approbation; specifically pleasing; apparently right; specious.
plausible adj. (Obsolete) Worthy of being applauded; praiseworthy; commendable; ready.
PLAUSIBLYplausibly adv. (Manner) In a plausible manner.
plausibly adv. (Modal) Probably; not falsifiably, based on available facts and general knowledge.
PLAUSIBLE adv. superficially pleasing or persuasive.
PLAYBILLSplaybills n. Plural of playbill.
PLAYBILL n. the programme for a theatrical performance.
SPELLBINDspellbind v. (Transitive) To captivate, or hold the attention of, as if by a magic spell; to entrance.
SPELLBIND v. to bind by or as by a spell.
SPILLABLEspillable adj. Capable of being spilled.
SPILLABLE adj. that can be spilt.
SPITBALLSspitballs n. Plural of spitball.
spit-balls n. Plural of spit-ball.
SPITBALL v. to pitch a baseball where the ball has been altered by the application of saliva, petroleum jelly, or some other foreign substance.
SPOILABLEspoilable adj. Liable to spoil or go bad.
SPOILABLE adj. capable of being spoiled.
SPOONBILLspoonbill n. Any of various large, long-legged wading birds in the ibis family Threskiornithidae, that have a large…
spoonbill n. (US) A species of fish, Polyodon spathula, native to the Mississippi/Ohio/Missouri river basin, or extinct…
SPOONBILL n. a kind of wading bird with a spoon-shaped bill.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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