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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, 2I, 2N and S

BANISHINGbanishing v. Present participle of banish.
banishing n. A magical ritual intended to remove negative spiritual influences.
BANISH v. to expel, exile.
BENZIDINSbenzidins n. Plural of benzidin.
BENZIDIN n. a hydrocarbon used in some dyes.
BESHININGbeshining v. Present participle of beshine.
BESHINE v. (archaic) to light up.
BESINGINGbesinging v. Present participle of besing.
besinging v. Alternative form of besingeing (present participle of besinge).
BESING v. (archaic) to celebrate in song.
BIENNIALSbiennials n. Plural of biennial.
BIENNIAL n. something e.g. a plant occurring every two years; lasting for two years.
BIENNIUMSbienniums n. Plural of biennium.
BIENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of two years.
BIGNONIASbignonias n. Plural of bignonia.
BIGNONIA n. any member of the Bignonia genus of tropical plants with trumpet-shaped flowers.
BINGEINGSBINGEING n. overindulgence in food or drink.
BISONTINEbisontine adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling a bison.
BISONTINE adj. of or relating to bison.
BISSONINGBISSON v. (Shakespeare) to cause to be blind.
BLINDINGSblindings n. Plural of blinding.
BLINDING n. the act of blinding.
BRINGINGSbringings n. Plural of bringing.
BRINGING n. the act of bringing.
BRININESSbrininess n. The characteristic of being briny.
BRININESS n. the state of being briny.
DYSBINDINdysbindin n. (Biochemistry) dystrobrevin-binding protein in muscle cells.
DYSBINDIN n. a gene associated with schizophrenia.
EBONISINGebonising v. Present participle of ebonise.
EBONISE v. to stain black in imitation of ebony, also EBONIZE.
NIBBLINGSnibblings n. Plural of nibbling.
NIBBLING n. the act of biting gently.
OBSIGNINGobsigning v. Present participle of obsign.
OBSIGN v. to seal or confirm, also OBSIGNATE.
RENMINBISrenminbis n. Plural of renminbi.
RENMINBI n. (Chinese) the currency of the People's Republic of China since 1948.
SWINGBINSswing␣bins n. Plural of swing bin.
SWINGBIN n. a rubbish bin with a lid that opens when pushed and swings shut.
UNBIASINGunbiasing v. Present participle of unbias.
UNBIASING n. the act of freeing from bias.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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