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There are 17 nine-letter words containing B, 2I, L, N and U

ABUILDINGabuilding adj. (Archaic, excluding US) Being built or under construction, as a structure or a vessel.
abuilding adj. (Archaic, excluding US) Developing or arising, as a trend or an idea.
a-building adv. Being built or under construction, as a structure or a vessel.
AUDIBLINGaudibling v. Present participle of audible.
AUDIBLE v. to call out such a plan.
BEGUILINGbeguiling v. Present participle of beguile.
beguiling n. A beguilement.
beguiling adj. That beguiles or beguile.
BILINGUALbilingual adj. Having the ability to speak two languages.
bilingual adj. Spoken or written in two different languages.
bilingual adj. Characterized by the use or presence of two languages.
BILIRUBINbilirubin n. (Biochemistry) A bile pigment that is a product of the breakdown of the heme portion of hemoglobin (which…
BILIRUBIN n. a reddish yellow pigment present in bile.
BUILDINGSbuildings n. Plural of building.
BUILDING n. the process of erecting houses.
INAUDIBLEinaudible adj. Unable to be heard or not loud enough to be heard.
INAUDIBLE adj. that cannot be heard.
INAUDIBLYinaudibly adv. In a manner which is incapable of being heard or not loud enough to be heard.
INAUDIBLE adv. that cannot be heard.
INDUCIBLEinducible adj. Able to be induced or caused.
inducible adj. Obtainable by induction; derivable; inferable.
INDUCIBLE adj. capable of being induced.
INFUSIBLEinfusible adj. That cannot be fused; unmeltable.
infusible adj. Capable of being infused.
infusible adj. From which an infusion may be made.
OBLIQUINGobliquing v. Present participle of oblique.
OBLIQUE v. (obsolete) to deviate from a direct line.
QUIBBLINGquibbling v. Present participle of quibble.
quibbling n. Petty argument.
QUIBBLING adj. arguing over trivialities.
SUBLIMINGsubliming v. Present participle of sublime.
subliming n. Sublimation.
SUBLIMING n. the act of subliming.
SUBTILINSSUBTILIN n. an antibiotic.
UNIFIABLEunifiable adj. Able to be united or unified.
UNIFIABLE adj. that can be unified.
UPBOILINGupboiling v. Present participle of upboil.
UPBOIL v. to boil up.
UROBILINSurobilins n. Plural of urobilin.
UROBILIN n. a brown pigment in faeces and sometimes urine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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