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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing B, 2I, 2L and S

BALLISTICballistic adj. (Not comparable) Of or relating to ballistics.
ballistic adj. (Comparable) Of or relating to projectiles moving under their own momentum, aerodynamic drag, gravity…
ballistic adj. (Comparable, slang) Very angry.
BASILICALbasilical adj. Basilic.
BASILICAL adj. of, relating to, or resembling, a basilica, also BASILICAN.
BILABIALSbilabials n. Plural of bilabial.
BILABIAL n. a sound produced by both lips, for example p, b, m.
BILIOUSLYbiliously adv. In a bilious way.
BILIOUS adv. pertaining to bile; ill-tempered.
BILLIARDSbilliards n. (Games, Britain) A two-player cue sport played with two cue balls and one red ball, on a snooker sized table.
billiards n. (Games, US) Any of various games played on a tabletop, usually with several balls, one or more of which…
billiards n. Plural of billiard.
BISMILLAHbismillah interj. Alternative letter-case form of Bismillah.
Bismillah interj. (Islam) Used in belief of blessing the speaker’s imminent action, especially prior to eating and drinking;…
Bismillah interj. (Islam) Ellipsis of Bismillahi ar-Rahmani ar-Rahim (“in the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate;…
BLINGLISHBLINGLISH n. English mixed with black slang.
BRAILLISTbraillist n. A person who uses the braille writing system.
BRAILLIST n. one who uses braille, also BRAILLER.
ELIGIBLESeligibles n. Plural of eligible.
ELIGIBLE n. one fit to be chosen.
FILLIBEGSfillibegs n. Plural of fillibeg.
LABIALISElabialise v. Alternative form of labialize.
LABIALISE v. to pronounce with rounded lips, also LABIALIZE.
LABIALISMlabialism n. (Medicine) A form of stammering characterized by confusion in the use of the labial consonants.
LABIALISM n. the quality of being labial, also LABIALITY.
LIBELINGSLIBELING n. the act of libeling.
LIBELISTSlibelists n. Plural of libelist.
LIBELIST n. one that libels, also LIBELER, LIBELLER.
MILLIBARSmillibars n. Plural of millibar.
MILLIBAR n. a unit of barometric pressure, equal to a thousandth of a bar.
MISBILLEDmisbilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of misbill.
MISBILL v. to bill wrongly.
SIBYLLINEsibylline adj. Of or pertaining to or resembling a sibyl or female oracle, especially the Cumaean Sibyl and the Sibylline Books.
sibylline adj. Excessively and exorbitantly expensive. (In allusion to the Sibyl who sold three books to Tarquinius…
sibylline n. One of the Sibylline Oracles or Sibylline Books.
SILLIBUBSsillibubs n. (Obsolete) plural of sillibub (alternative form of syllabubs).
SILLIBUB n. a frothy dish of cream curdled with wine, also SILLABUB, SYLLABUB.
WINDBILLSwindbills n. Plural of windbill.
WINDBILL n. a bill of exchange guaranteed by a third party.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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