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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing B, H, M, O, S and T

BADMOUTHSbadmouths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of badmouth.
bad-mouths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bad-mouth.
BADMOUTH v. to abuse.
BATHROOMSbathrooms n. Plural of bathroom.
bath␣rooms n. Plural of bath room.
BATHROOM n. a room for bathing.
BEHEMOTHSbehemoths n. Plural of behemoth.
BEHEMOTH n. (Hebrew) an enormous creature (in Job 40.15 probably a hippopotamus or a crocodile); (figurative) something vast.
BESMOOTHSbesmooths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of besmooth.
BESMOOTH v. to make smooth.
BIGMOUTHSbigmouths n. Plural of bigmouth.
big␣mouths n. Plural of big mouth.
BIGMOUTH n. a loud conceited person.
BIRTHDOMSbirthdoms n. Plural of birthdom.
BIRTHDOM n. (Shakespeare) birthright.
BOEHMITESboehmites n. Plural of boehmite.
BOEHMITE n. (German) a mineral present in bauxite, a hydroxide of aluminium.
BOMBSIGHTbombsight n. A device which allows bombs to be accurately dropped from moving aircraft so as to hit a desired target.
BOMBSIGHT n. a device for aiming and releasing bombs from a bomber.
BOTHRIUMSBOTHRIUM n. (Latin) a groove on a tapeworm.
HECATOMBShecatombs n. Plural of hecatomb.
HECATOMB n. a great public sacrifice.
MOTHBALLSmothballs n. Plural of mothball.
moth-balls n. Plural of moth-ball.
moth␣balls n. Plural of moth ball.
THROMBINSthrombins n. Plural of thrombin.
THROMBIN n. an enzyme that causes the blood to clot.
THROMBOSEthrombose v. (Transitive, intransitive, pathology) To affect with, or be affected by, thrombosis.
THROMBOSE v. to cause thrombosis in.
THUMBPOTSthumbpots n. Plural of thumbpot.
THUMBPOT n. a very small flowerpot.
TOMBOYISHtomboyish adj. Displaying behavior associated with a tomboy.
TOMBOYISH adj. like a tomboy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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