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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, G, N, 2S and U

BLUSHINGSblushings n. Plural of blushing.
BLUSHING n. the act of blushing.
BOGUSNESSbogusness n. The quality of being bogus.
BOGUSNESS n. the state of being bogus.
BONUSINGSBONUSING n. at Scrabble, the act of playing all seven of one's tiles in a single turn.
BONUSSINGbonussing v. Present participle of bonus.
BONUS v. in Scrabble, to play all seven of one's tiles in a single turn.
BRUISINGSbruisings n. Plural of bruising.
BRUISING n. the act of bruising.
BRUSHINGSbrushings n. Plural of brushing.
BRUSHING n. the act of brushing.
BUGGINESSbugginess n. The quality of being buggy.
BUGGINESS n. the state of being buggy.
BULGINESSbulginess n. The state of being bulgy.
BULGINESS n. the state of being bulgy.
DEBUSSINGdebussing v. Present participle of debus.
DEBUS v. to get off a bus.
EMBUSSINGembussing v. Present participle of embus.
EMBUS v. to board a bus.
GUBBINSESGUBBINS n. (colloquial) a trivial object; a device, gadget.
OSNABURGSosnaburgs n. Plural of osnaburg.
OSNABURG n. (German) a coarse linen or cotton.
SLUBBINGSslubbings n. Fibers that have been slubbed.
SLUBBING n. a slightly twisted roll of textile fibres.
SNUBBINGSsnubbings n. Plural of snubbing.
SNUBBING n. the act of snubbing.
STINKBUGSstinkbugs n. Plural of stinkbug.
stink␣bugs n. Plural of stink bug.
STINKBUG n. a shield bug that releases foul-smelling secretions.
SUBAGENTSsubagents n. Plural of subagent.
SUBAGENT n. a subordinate agent.
SUBGENRESsubgenres n. Plural of subgenre.
sub-genres n. Plural of sub-genre.
SUBGENRE n. a subdivision of a genre.
SUBSIDINGsubsiding v. Present participle of subside.
subsiding n. The act by which something subsides.
SUBSIDE v. to sink to a lower or normal level.
SUBSUMINGsubsuming v. Present participle of subsume.
SUBSUME v. to classify within a larger category.
SUNGREBESsungrebes n. Plural of sungrebe.
SUNGREBE n. the finfoot, a South American bird allied to the grebes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 51 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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