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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing B, G, N, 2O and T

BATOONINGbatooning v. Present participle of batoon.
BATOON v. to strike with a truncheon, also BATON.
BONGOISTSbongoists n. Plural of bongoist.
BONGOIST n. a bongo player.
BOTTOMINGbottoming v. Present participle of bottom.
BOTTOMING n. the act of reaching the lowest point before stabilising or improving.
CROTONBUGCroton␣bug n. Blattella germanica; German cockroach. See cockroach.
CROTONBUG n. a species of cockroach.
GEOBOTANYgeobotany n. The branch of biogeography that is concerned with the geographic distribution of plant species.
GEOBOTANY n. the geographical study of plant distribution, aka phytogeography.
HOTBOXINGhotboxing v. Present participle of hotbox.
hot␣boxing v. Present participle of hot box.
HOTBOX v. to smoke marijuana in a small confined area until it is full of smoke.
LONGBOATSlongboats n. Plural of longboat.
LONGBOAT n. a Viking ship, also LONGSHIP.
OUTBOXINGoutboxing v. Present participle of outbox.
OUTBOX v. to surpass in boxing.
REBOOTINGrebooting v. Present participle of reboot.
rebooting n. The act by which something (A computer, a TV series, etc.) is rebooted.
REBOOT v. to renew the boots of.
STRONGBOXstrongbox n. A sturdy box with a lock for storing valuables.
STRONGBOX n. a box for holding valuables.
TOBOGGANStoboggans n. Plural of toboggan.
toboggans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of toboggan.
TOBOGGAN v. to sledge by toboggan.
TOBOGGINStoboggins n. Plural of toboggin.
toboggins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of toboggin.
TOBOGGIN v. to travel by toboggin.
UNBOOTINGunbooting v. Present participle of unboot.
UNBOOT v. to take off the boots.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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