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There are 19 nine-letter words containing B, G, I, S, T and U

BEDUSTINGbedusting v. Present participle of bedust.
BEDUST v. to cover with dust.
BIGMOUTHSbigmouths n. Plural of bigmouth.
big␣mouths n. Plural of big mouth.
BIGMOUTH n. a loud conceited person.
BLINDGUTSblind␣guts n. Plural of blind gut.
BLINDGUT n. the caecum.
BLUGGIESTbluggiest adj. Superlative form of bluggy: most bluggy.
BLUGGY adj. (colloquial) bloody.
BLURTINGSblurtings n. Plural of blurting.
BLURTING n. the act of blurting, speaking without due thought.
BOULTINGSboultings n. Plural of boulting.
BOULTING n. the act of sieving through cloth, also BOLTING.
BUNFIGHTSbunfights n. Plural of bunfight.
bun-fights n. Plural of bun-fight.
bun␣fights n. Plural of bun fight.
BUTCHINGSBUTCHING n. killing cruelly.
DOUBTINGSdoubtings n. Plural of doubting.
DOUBTING n. the act of doubting.
GRUBBIESTgrubbiest adj. Superlative form of grubby: most grubby.
GRUBBY adj. dirty.
GUMBOTILSGUMBOTIL n. a dark sticky clay, formed by the weathering of boulder clay or glacial drift.
STINGBULLstingbull n. The European greater weeverfish (Trachinus draco), capable of inflicting severe wounds with the spinous…
STINGBULL n. the weever fish, which is capable of inflicting severe wounds with the spinous rays of its dorsal fin, also STINGFISH.
STINKBUGSstinkbugs n. Plural of stinkbug.
stink␣bugs n. Plural of stink bug.
STINKBUG n. a shield bug that releases foul-smelling secretions.
STUMBLINGstumbling v. Present participle and gerund of stumble.
stumbling n. The motion of one who stumbles.
STUMBLE v. to trip when walking or running.
SUBACTINGsubacting v. Present participle of subact.
SUBACT v. to subdue.
SUBLATINGsublating v. Present participle of sublate.
SUBLATE v. to deny; to contradict.
SUNBRIGHTsunbright adj. (Poetic) Full of sunshine; bright like the sun or shining with reflected sunlight.
SUNBRIGHT adj. bright as the sun.
SURBATINGsurbating v. Present participle of surbate.
SURBATE v. to make footsore; to harass or fatigue.
TUMBLINGStumblings n. Plural of tumbling.
TUMBLING n. the sport of gymnastics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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