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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing B, G, I, 2L and U

BILINGUALbilingual adj. Having the ability to speak two languages.
bilingual adj. Spoken or written in two different languages.
bilingual adj. Characterized by the use or presence of two languages.
BLUEGILLSbluegills n. Plural of bluegill.
BLUEGILL n. an edible sunfish.
BULGINGLYbulgingly adv. To a degree, or in a way, that causes bulging.
BULGING adv. BULGE, to swell out.
BULLERINGbullering v. Present participle of buller.
BULLER v. to seethe, gurgle.
BULLETINGbulleting v. Present participle of bullet.
bulleting n. (Scotland) The game of road bowling.
BULLET v. to move swiftly.
BULLFIGHTbullfight n. A public spectacle, in Spain and some other Latin countries, in which a person baits and often kills a bull.
BULLFIGHT n. a fight with a bull.
BULLGINESbullgines n. Plural of bullgine.
BULLGINE n. (US slang) a steam locomotive, also BULGINE.
BULLRINGSbullrings n. Plural of bullring.
bull␣rings n. Plural of bull ring.
BULLRING n. a bullfight arena.
BULLYINGSbullyings n. Plural of bullying.
BULLYING n. the act of oppressing cruelly.
GLOBULINSglobulins n. Plural of globulin.
GLOBULIN n. any of a group of simple proteins, including gamma globulin.
GLOBULITEglobulite n. (Mineralogy) A rudimentary spherical form of crystallite.
GLOBULITE n. a rudimentary form of crystallite, spherical in shape.
LIGHTBULBlightbulb n. Alternative spelling of light bulb.
lightbulb n. (Singapore, colloquial) An uninvited third person joining a couple’s date who prevents or hinders romantic…
light-bulb n. Alternative form of light bulb.
STINGBULLstingbull n. The European greater weeverfish (Trachinus draco), capable of inflicting severe wounds with the spinous…
STINGBULL n. the weever fish, which is capable of inflicting severe wounds with the spinous rays of its dorsal fin, also STINGFISH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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