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There are 17 nine-letter words containing B, G, H, I, L and T

BACKLIGHTbacklight n. (Uncountable) Light shining from a source behind the object of interest or attention.
backlight n. (Countable) The rear window of a motor car.
backlight v. (Transitive) To illuminate something from behind.
BLIGHTERSblighters n. Plural of blighter.
BLIGHTER n. an unpleasant person.
BLIGHTIESblighties n. Plural of blighty.
Blighties n. Plural of Blighty.
BLIGHTY n. a soldier's wound that gets him sent home.
BLIGHTINGblighting v. Present participle of blight.
blighting n. The act by which something is blighted.
BLIGHTING adj. causing decay.
BLOTCHINGblotching v. Present participle of blotch.
blotching n. The situation of having blotches; blotchiness.
BLOTCHING n. a pattern of large spots.
BOOKLIGHTbooklight n. A small clip-on light, usually battery-powered, used for reading books in the dark.
BOOKLIGHT n. a light that clips on to a book.
BULLFIGHTbullfight n. A public spectacle, in Spain and some other Latin countries, in which a person baits and often kills a bull.
BULLFIGHT n. a fight with a bull.
EIGHTBALLeightball n. Alternative form of eight-ball.
eight-ball n. (Uncountable) A pocket billiards (pool) game played with sixteen balls (a cue ball and fifteen object…
eight-ball n. (Countable) The billiard ball, almost always black, bearing the number eight.
FIGHTABLEfightable adj. Able to be fought.
fightable adj. (Military) Capable in combat.
FIGHTABLE adj. able to be fought.
LIGHTBULBlightbulb n. Alternative spelling of light bulb.
lightbulb n. (Singapore, colloquial) An uninvited third person joining a couple’s date who prevents or hinders romantic…
light-bulb n. Alternative form of light bulb.
NIGHTCLUBnightclub n. A public or private establishment that is open late at night to provide entertainment, food, drink…
nightclub n. (Philippines) A strip club.
nightclub v. To visit a nightclub (or nightclubs) for entertainment.
RIGHTABLErightable adj. That can be righted.
RIGHTABLE adj. that can be righted.
RIGHTABLYRIGHTABLE adv. that can be righted.
SIGHTABLEsightable adj. Capable of being sighted; visible from a vantage point.
SIGHTABLE adj. that can be sighted, e.g. of a gun.
THERBLIGStherbligs n. Plural of therblig.
THERBLIG n. a unit of work for quantifying industrial operations.
THIMBLINGthimbling n. Gerund of thimble: the act of using a thimble.
thimbling n. Synonym of thimblerigging (“the act of cheating (someone) in a thimblerig game, or by trickery”).
thimbling v. Present participle of thimble.
THUMBLINGthumbling n. A tiny, thumb-sized person; manikin.
thumbling n. Anything small, comparable to the size of a human thumb.
THUMBLING n. a diminutive being, a dwarf.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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