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There are 14 nine-letter words containing B, F, I, N, O and R

BOFFINIERBOFFINY adj. like a boffin, a scientific expert.
BOYFRIENDboyfriend n. A male partner in an unmarried romantic relationship.
boyfriend n. A male friend.
boy-friend n. Alternative form of boyfriend.
BRAINFOODbrainfood n. Any food consumed for the purpose of energizing the brain or promoting intellectual thought.
brain␣food n. Alternative form of brainfood.
BRAINFOOD n. any foodstuff containing nutrients thought to promote brain function, such as oily fish which is rich in omega-3 oils.
FIBRINOIDfibrinoid adj. Resembling fibrin.
fibrinoid n. An acellular material similar to fibrin.
FIBRINOID adj. of or like fibrin.
FIBRINOUSfibrinous adj. Of, pertaining to, characteristic of, resembling or having the nature of fibrin.
FIBRINOUS adj. having, or partaking of the properties of, fibrin; as, fibrinous exudation.
FIBROLINEfibroline n. A kind of yarn made from textile waste.
FIBROLINE n. a yarn of flax, jute and hemp waste.
FIBROSINGfibrosing adj. (Pathology) Accompanied by fibrosis.
FIBROSE v. to form fibrous tissue.
FIRSTBORNfirstborn n. The first child to be born to a parent or family.
firstborn adj. Born as the first one in a family, flock or the like.
firstborn adj. Most excellent; most distinguished or exalted.
FOILBORNEFOILBORNE adj. of a craft, travelling along the water on hydrofoils.
FORBIDDENforbidden adj. Not allowed; specifically disallowed.
forbidden v. Past participle of forbid.
FORBID v. to command not to do something.
FORBODINGforboding adj. Alternative form of foreboding.
forboding v. Present participle of forbode.
forboding n. Alternative form of foreboding.
FOREBRAINforebrain n. (Neuroanatomy) The anterior part of the brain, including the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus.
FOREBRAIN n. the anterior region of the embryonic brain.
FORECABINforecabin n. A cabin located toward the front of a vessel.
FORECABIN n. a cabin in the fore part of a ship.
IBUPROFENibuprofen n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic compound used widely as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug.
ibuprofen v. (Rare) To treat with ibuprofen; to administer ibuprofen to.
IBUPROFEN n. an anti-inflammatory drug.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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