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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing B, E, 3S and T

ASBESTOUSasbestous adj. Relating to, or resembling, asbestos.
ASBESTOUS adj. of or like asbestos, also ASBESTIC, ASBESTINE.
BASSINETSbassinets n. Plural of bassinet.
BASSINET n. a basket used as a bed for a baby.
BOASTLESSboastless adj. Without boasting.
BOASTLESS adj. without boasting or ostentation.
BRASSIESTbrassiest adj. Superlative form of brassy: most brassy.
BRASSY adj. resembling brass.
BRETESSESbretesses n. Plural of bretesse.
BRETESSE n. a wooden tower used in mediaeval siege operations, also BRATTICE, BRATTISH, BRETASCHE, BRETTICE.
BUSTINESSbustiness n. The condition or state of being busty.
BUSTINESS n. the state of being busty.
POSTBASESpostbases n. Plural of postbase.
POSTBASE n. a morpheme used as a suffix after a base word.
POSTBUSESpostbuses n. Plural of postbus.
POSTBUS n. a small bus for mail and passengers.
SEBESTENSsebestens n. Plural of sebesten.
SEBESTEN n. (Arabic) an oriental tree; its edible plumlike fruit.
SUBCASTESsubcastes n. Plural of subcaste.
SUBCASTE n. a subdivision of a caste.
SUBITISESsubitises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subitise.
SUBITISE v. to perceive, also SUBITIZE.
SUBSISTEDsubsisted v. Simple past tense and past participle of subsist.
SUBSIST v. to continue to exist.
SUBSISTERsubsister n. One who subsists.
SUBSISTER n. one who subsists.
SUBSTAGESsubstages n. Plural of substage.
SUBSTAGE n. a part of a microscope for supporting accessories.
SUBSTATESsubstates n. Plural of substate.
SUBSTATE n. a subdivision of a state.
SUBSTYLESsubstyles n. Plural of substyle.
SUBSTYLE n. the straight line on which the style of a dial is erected.
SUBSYSTEMsubsystem n. Alternative spelling of sub-system.
sub-system n. A group of related components that are part of a larger system.
SUBSYSTEM n. part of a system.
SUBTENSESsubtenses n. Plural of subtense.
SUBTENSE n. a line subtending, or stretching across; a chord; as, the subtense of an arc.
TSESSEBEStsessebes n. Plural of tsessebe.
TSESSEBE n. (Setswana) a kind of African antelope, also SASSABY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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