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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing B, E, 2R and 2T

ARBITRATEarbitrate v. To make a judgment (on a dispute) as an arbitrator or arbiter.
arbitrate v. To submit (a dispute) to such judgment.
arbitrate v. (Mathematics, rare) To assign an arbitrary value to, or otherwise determine arbitrarily.
BARRETTERbarretter n. (Electronics) A ballast resistor.
BARRETTER n. a resistor capable of variation and used e.g. for detecting radio waves or stabilizing electric current.
BARRETTESbarrettes n. Plural of barrette.
Barrettes prop.n. Plural of Barrette.
BARRETTE n. (French) a bar-shaped hair-clip or hair ornament.
BATTERERSbatterers n. Plural of batterer.
BATTERER n. someone who batters.
BERRETTASberrettas n. Plural of berretta.
BERRETTA n. (Spanish) a square cap worn by Roman Catholic ecclesiastics, also BERETTA, BIRETTA, BIRRETTA.
BIRRETTASBIRRETTA n. (Spanish) a square cap worn by Roman Catholic ecclesiastics, also BERETTA, BERRETTA, BIRETTA.
BIRTHRATEbirthrate n. The ratio of total live births to total population for a specific community or nation in a specified…
birth␣rate n. Alternative spelling of birthrate.
BIRTHRATE n. the proportion of live births to population.
BUTTERBURbutterbur n. Any of several Eurasian herbs, of the genus Petasites, having dense clusters of often purple flowers.
BUTTERBUR n. a plant of damp places with very broad leaves.
BUTTERIERbutterier adj. Comparative form of buttery: more buttery.
BUTTERY adj. containing butter.
REBUTTERSrebutters n. Plural of rebutter.
rebutters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rebutter.
REBUTTER n. one who rebuts.
RETRIBUTEretribute v. To pay back; to give in return, as payment, reward, or punishment; to requite.
RETRIBUTE v. to give in return.
TEREBRANTterebrant adj. (Zoology, of an insect) That bores.
terebrant n. (Zoology) Any insect that bores.
TEREBRANT adj. boring, having a piercing ovipositor.
TEREBRATEterebrate adj. Provided with a borer.
terebrate v. To bore or perforate.
TEREBRATE v. to bore into; to pierce.
TRIBUTERStributers n. Plural of tributer.
TRIBUTER n. a miner who works for a certain portion of the ore, or its value.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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