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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 5 nine-letter words containing B, E, Q, R and 2U

BOURASQUEbourasque n. (Archaic) A tempest.
BOURASQUE n. (French) a tempest.
BRUSQUELYbrusquely adv. In a brusque manner; abruptly; rudely.
BRUSQUE adv. abrupt in manner, also BRUSK.
BRUSQUESTbrusquest adj. Superlative form of brusque: most brusque.
BRUSQUE adj. abrupt in manner, also BRUSK.
BURLESQUEburlesque adj. (Dated) Parodical; parodic.
burlesque n. A derisive art form that mocks by imitation; a parody.
burlesque n. A variety adult entertainment show, usually including titillation such as striptease, most common from…
HARQUEBUSharquebus n. An obsolete matchlock firearm.
harquebus n. A portable gun, varying in size from a small cannon to a musket. When used in the field it was supported…
HARQUEBUS n. (historical) a portable long-barrelled gun, also ARQUEBUS, HARQUEBUSE, HARQUEBUSS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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