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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, E, 2O, P and S

BAROSCOPEbaroscope n. Barometer.
BAROSCOPE n. a weatherglass.
BIOPHORESbiophores n. Plural of biophore.
BIOPHORE n. a hypothetical unit of living matter, also BIOPHOR.
BIOSCOPESbioscopes n. Plural of bioscope.
BIOSCOPE n. an early movie projector.
BLOOPIESTBLOOPY adj. in baseball, being a hit that is a short fly ball.
BOLTROPESboltropes n. Plural of boltrope.
bolt-ropes n. Plural of bolt-rope.
bolt␣ropes n. Plural of bolt rope.
BORESCOPEborescope n. An optical instrument used for seeing inside tight spaces, consisting of a rigid or flexible tube with…
BORESCOPE n. an optical device, e.g. a prism, used to inspect an inaccessible space e.g. an engine cylinder.
GEOPROBESgeoprobes n. Plural of geoprobe.
GEOPROBE n. a spacecraft which explores space near the earth.
HYPOBOLEShypoboles n. Plural of hypobole.
HYPOBOLE n. the anticipation and refutal of objections to an argument.
NEOPHOBESneophobes n. Plural of neophobe.
NEOPHOBE n. one who hates novelty.
OPPOSABLEopposable adj. Susceptible to being opposed or resisted.
opposable adj. Capable of being placed opposite something else.
OPPOSABLE adj. that can be opposed.
PASODOBLEpasodoble n. Alternative form of paso doble (dance; music).
paso␣doble n. A fast Spanish ballroom dance in double time.
paso␣doble n. The music for such a dance, or for a march; used especially at bullfights.
PEEKABOOSpeekaboos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of peekaboo.
PEEKABOO n. a peeping game played by small children, also PEEKABO.
PERIBOLOSperibolos n. (Architecture, historical) An enclosed court, especially one surrounding a temple.
PERIBOLOS n. (Greek) a precinct; an enclosing wall of a precinct, also PERIBOLUS.
POORBOXESpoorboxes n. Plural of poorbox.
poor␣boxes n. Plural of poor box.
POORBOX n. a box, esp. one in a church, used for the collection of alms or money for the poor.
POSTBOXESpostboxes n. Plural of postbox, an alternative spelling of post box.
post-boxes n. Plural of post-box.
post␣boxes n. Plural of post box.
SCOOPABLEscoopable adj. That can be scooped.
SCOOPABLE adj. that can be scooped.
SOAPBOXEDsoapboxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of soapbox.
SOAPBOX v. to give an opinion to the public.
SOAPBOXESsoapboxes n. Plural of soapbox.
soap␣boxes n. Plural of soap box.
SOAPBOX v. to give an opinion to the public.
SPEKBOOMSspekbooms n. Plural of spekboom.
SPEKBOOM n. (South African) a succulent shrub of the purslane family.
ZOOPHOBESzoophobes n. Plural of zoophobe.
ZOOPHOBE n. one who fears or hates animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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