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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing B, E, M, P, S and U

BUMPINESSbumpiness n. The characteristic of being bumpy.
BUMPINESS n. the state of being bumpy.
PENUMBRASpenumbras n. Plural of penumbra.
PENUMBRA n. (Latin) a partial shadow.
PLUMBATESplumbates n. Plural of plumbate.
PLUMBATE n. a salt of plumbic acid.
PLUMBEOUSplumbeous adj. Consisting of, or resembling, lead.
plumbeous adj. (Rare) Dull; heavy; stupid.
PLUMBEOUS adj. leaden; lead-coloured.
PLUMBITESplumbites n. Plural of plumbite.
PLUMBITE n. a salt of plumbic acid.
PLUMBLESSplumbless adj. (Poetic) Too deep to be plumbed.
PLUMBLESS adj. incapable of being sounded.
PLUMBNESSPLUMBNESS n. the state of being plumb.
SUBPRIMESsubprimes n. Plural of subprime.
SUBPRIME n. a loan made to a borrower with a poor credit rating, usually at a high rate of interest.
SUBSAMPLEsubsample n. A smaller portion of an original sample, created by trimming, subdividing, splitting or discrete collection…
subsample n. (Sciences) A portion of the original sample that is representative in nature to that of the original…
subsample v. (Transitive) To take subsamples from.
SUPERBOMBsuperbomb n. An extremely powerful bomb, especially the atomic bomb or hydrogen bomb.
SUPERBOMB n. a very big bomb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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