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There are 19 nine-letter words containing B, E, L, R, S and Y

BEARISHLYbearishly adv. In a bearish manner.
BEARISH adv. in the manner of a bear.
BENADRYLSBENADRYL n. (tradename) an antihistamine drug used in sleeping tablets.
BERRYLESSberryless adj. Without berries.
BERRYLESS adj. without berries.
BERSERKLYberserkly adv. In a berserk manner.
BERSERK adv. (Old Norse) out of control.
BERYLLIASberyllias n. Plural of beryllia.
BERYLLIA n. an oxide of beryllium used as a hardener, aka glucina.
BETRAYALSbetrayals n. Plural of betrayal.
BETRAYAL n. the act of betraying.
BICYCLERSbicyclers n. Plural of bicycler.
BICYCLER n. one who rides a bicycle.
BRUSQUELYbrusquely adv. In a brusque manner; abruptly; rudely.
BRUSQUE adv. abrupt in manner, also BRUSK.
BYLANDERSbylanders n. Plural of bylander.
BYLANDER n. (Dutch) a two-masted cargo vessel used in Holland, also BILANDER.
CYMBALERSCYMBALER n. one who plays the cymbals.
DESIRABLYdesirably adv. In a manner likely to arouse desire.
DESIRABLE adv. to be desired.
LYREBIRDSlyrebirds n. Plural of lyrebird.
LYREBIRD n. an Australian bird, that spreads its tail like a lyre during courtship.
MISERABLYmiserably adv. In a miserable manner.
MISERABLE adv. wretched.
OBSCURELYobscurely adv. In an obscure manner.
OBSCURE adv. indistinct.
OBVERSELYobversely adv. In an obverse manner.
OBVERSE adv. turned towards one.
SEPARABLYseparably adv. Such that it can be separated.
SEPARABLE adv. that can be separated.
SUPERABLYSUPERABLE adv. capable of being overcome or conquered.
UNSOBERLYUNSOBER adv. not sober.
VERBOSELYverbosely adv. In a verbose manner; in a fashion employing more lengthy phrasing, utilizing extraneous words, making…
VERBOSE adv. wordy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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