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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing B, E, I, 2R and V

BRAVERIESbraveries n. Plural of bravery.
BRAVERY n. courage.
CABDRIVERcabdriver n. One who drives a taxi for a living.
cabdriver n. One who drives a carriage for a living.
cab␣driver n. Alternative spelling of cabdriver.
HERBIVORAHerbivora prop.n. (Archaic) An informal grouping of the plant-eating mammals.
Herbivora prop.n. (Obsolete) A former grouping of mammals that included non-marsupial flesh-eaters.
HERBIVORA n. an extensive division of Mammalia, comprising animals that feed almost exclusively upon vegetation.
HERBIVOREherbivore n. An organism that feeds chiefly on plants; an animal that feeds on herbage or vegetation as the main part of its diet.
HERBIVORE n. an organism that eats plants or other autotrophic organisms.
HERBIVORYherbivory n. (Ecology) The consumption of living plant tissue by animals.
HERBIVORY n. the eating of grass.
OVERBRIEFoverbrief adj. Excessively brief.
OVERBRIEF adj. excessively brief.
OVERBRIEF v. to brief excessively.
OVERBRIMSoverbrims v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overbrim.
OVERBRIM v. to flow over.
REVERBINGreverbing v. Present participle of reverb.
REVERB v. (Shakespeare) to echo, reverberate.
REVIBRATErevibrate v. To vibrate back or in return.
REVIBRATE v. to vibrate again.
RIVERBANKriverbank n. A sloped side of a river acting as a barrier between the water and level ground to either side.
Riverbank prop.n. A city in Stanislaus County, California, United States.
river␣bank n. Alternative form of riverbank.
RIVERBEDSriverbeds n. Plural of riverbed.
river-beds n. Plural of river-bed.
river␣beds n. Plural of river bed.
RIVERBOATriverboat n. A watercraft designed for operating on rivers.
RIVERBOAT n. a boat used for river transport.
VERBARIANverbarian n. (Rare) One who coins words.
verbarian adj. (Obsolete) Of or relating to words; verbal.
VERBARIAN n. a coiner of words.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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