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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, E, I, N, P and R

BEDRAPINGbedraping v. Present participle of bedrape.
BEDRAPE v. to cover with cloth.
BEDSPRINGbedspring n. A springy surface that supports the mattress of a bed.
BEDSPRING n. the spring of a bed.
BEPROSINGbeprosing v. Present participle of beprose.
BEPROSE v. to reduce to prose.
BIOPARENTbioparent n. Biological parent.
BIOPARENT n. a biological parent, not a stepparent.
BLUEPRINTblueprint n. A type of paper-based reproduction process producing white-on-blue images, used primarily for technical…
blueprint n. A print produced with this process.
blueprint n. (Architecture, engineering, by extension) A detailed technical drawing (now often in some electronically…
BREASTPINbreastpin n. An ornamental pin attached to clothing in a person’s upper chest area; a brooch.
BREASTPIN n. an ornamental pin for the breast.
BUMPERINGbumpering v. Present participle of bumper.
BUMPER v. to drink bumpers.
IBUPROFENibuprofen n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic compound used widely as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug.
ibuprofen v. (Rare) To treat with ibuprofen; to administer ibuprofen to.
IBUPROFEN n. an anti-inflammatory drug.
OBREPTIONobreption n. (Obsolete) The act of creeping upon with secrecy or by surprise.
obreption n. (Obsolete, Scotland, law) Act of obtaining gifts of escheat by fraud or surprise.
OBREPTION n. (obsolete) an attempt to obtain ecclesiastical dispensation, etc. fraudulently.
PEABRAINSpeabrains n. Plural of peabrain.
pea-brains n. Plural of pea-brain.
pea␣brains n. Plural of pea brain.
PREBAKINGprebaking adj. Alternative spelling of pre-baking.
prebaking n. Blind-baking (baking a pastry before adding a filling).
prebaking n. (Electronics, physics) surface modification by heating prior to another operation.
PREBIDDENPREBID v. to bid beforehand.
PREBUYINGprebuying v. Present participle of prebuy.
PREBUY v. to buy in advance.
PRENUBILEprenubile adj. Not yet nubile.
PRENUBILE adj. before the state of being nubile.
PREOBTAINpreobtain v. (Transitive) To obtain beforehand.
PREOBTAIN v. to obtain in advance.
PRINTABLEprintable adj. Worthy or capable of being printed.
printable adj. (Computing) Of a text character: having a visual representation, unlike the control characters.
printable n. A digital image meant to be printed on paper.
REPROBINGreprobing n. Probing again.
REPROBE v. to probe again.
SHIPBORNEshipborne adj. Carried by ship.
SHIPBORNE adj. carried by ship.
STEPBAIRNstepbairn n. (UK dialectal, chiefly Scotland) A stepchild.
STEPBAIRN n. (Scots) a stepchild.
UPBEARINGupbearing n. A bearing up; support.
upbearing n. A surge or movement upward.
upbearing v. Present participle of upbear.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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