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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing B, E, I, L, R and Z

BALZARINEbalzarine n. A lightweight fabric made from cotton and wool, used for summer dresses.
BALZARINE n. (French) a light cotton dress material.
BIZARRELYbizarrely adv. In a bizarre manner.
BIZARRE adv. strange.
BRAZILEINbrazilein n. A neoflavanoid that is the main colouring matter in the red dye derived from brazilwood.
BRAZILEIN n. a dyestuff obtained by the oxidation of brazilin, also BRASILEIN, BRASILIN, BRAZILIN.
BRUILZIESbruilzies n. Plural of bruilzie.
BRUILZIE n. (Scots) a broil, a noisy disturbance, also BRULYIE, BRULZIE.
BRUTALIZEbrutalize v. Alternative spelling of brutalise.
BRUTALIZE v. to make brutal, also BRUTALISE.
CARBOLIZEcarbolize v. (Medicine, transitive) To wash or treat with carbolic acid.
CARBOLIZE v. to treat or disinfect with phenol, also CARBOLISE.
MARBELIZEmarbelize v. Alternative form of marbleize.
MARBELIZE v. to stain or grain in imitation of marble, also MARBELISE, MARBLEISE, MARBLEIZE.
MARBLEIZEmarbleize v. (Transitive) To make (something) look like marble; to marble.
marbleize v. (Intransitive) To come to look like marble; to marble.
MARBLEIZE v. to stain or grain in imitation of marble, also MARBELISE, MARBELIZE, MARBLEISE.
MOBILIZERmobilizer n. A person who mobilizes something.
MOBILIZER n. something that serves to mobilise, also MOBILISER.
NEBULIZERnebulizer n. A device used to convert liquid into a fine spray of aerosols, by means of oxygen, compressed air, or…
nebulizer n. (Medicine) A device used to administer a medicine into the lungs, by converting the medicine from liquid…
NEBULIZER n. a spraying apparatus, an atomiser, also NEBULISER.
RESIZABLEresizable adj. (Computing) That can be resized.
resizable n. (Graphical user interface) An item that can be resized by the user.
re-sizable adj. (Computing, formal) Alternative form of resizable.
VERBALIZEverbalize v. (Transitive) To speak or to use words to express.
verbalize v. (Transitive, grammar) To adapt (a word of another part of speech) as a verb.
VERBALIZE v. to put into words, also VERBALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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