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There are 10 nine-letter words containing B, E, 2I, L and V

BELIEVINGbelieving v. Present participle of believe.
believing n. The act or process of having faith, trust, or confidence in.
believing n. Belief.
DIVIDABLEdividable adj. Capable of being divided (into fractions or parts).
dividable adj. (Obsolete) Capable of being separated (from something).
dividable adj. (Obsolete) Divided; separated; parted.
DIVINABLEdivinable adj. That can be guessed.
DIVINABLE adj. that can be divined.
DIVISIBLEdivisible adj. Capable of being divided or split.
divisible adj. (Arithmetic) Of an integer, that, when divided by another integer, leaves no remainder.
divisible n. Any substance that can be divided.
EVINCIBLEevincible adj. Capable of being proved or clearly brought to light; demonstrable.
EVINCIBLE adj. capable of being evinced.
EVINCIBLYevincibly adv. In an evincible manner.
EVINCIBLE adv. capable of being evinced.
INVISIBLEinvisible adj. Unable to be seen; out of sight; not visible.
invisible adj. Not appearing on the surface.
invisible adj. (Internet) Apparently, but not actually, offline.
LAMBITIVElambitive adj. Alternative form of lambative.
lambitive n. Alternative form of lambative.
LAMBITIVE n. (obsolete) a medicine taken by licking.
VIBRATILEvibratile adj. Adapted to, or used in, vibratory motion; having the power of vibrating.
VIBRATILE adj. capable of vibratory motion, also VIBRATIVE, VIBRATORY.
VISITABLEvisitable adj. Capable of being visited.
visitable adj. Enjoyable to visit; attractive to visitors.
VISITABLE adj. capable of being visited; worth visiting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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