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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing B, E, H, O, R and Y

BROTHERLYbrotherly adj. Of or characteristic of brothers.
brotherly adv. In the manner of a brother, as a brother, as brothers.
BROTHERLY adj. like a brother.
BRYOPHYTEbryophyte n. (Botany) Any plant of the division Bryophyta, defined sensu lato to comprise the mosses, liverworts…
BRYOPHYTE n. a member of the Bryophyta, one of the main groups of the vegetable kingdom, mosses and liverworts.
CHOREBOYSchoreboys n. Plural of choreboy.
CHOREBOY n. a boy used to do odd jobs.
HERBIVORYherbivory n. (Ecology) The consumption of living plant tissue by animals.
HERBIVORY n. the eating of grass.
HERBOLOGYherbology n. The study of herbs and their medical properties, especially when combined.
HERBOLOGY n. the use or study of herbal medicine.
HOMEBUYERhomebuyer n. A person who buys or plans to buy a house.
HOMEBUYER n. one who is buying a home.
HYPERBOLAhyperbola n. (Geometry) A conic section formed by the intersection of a cone with a plane that intersects the base…
HYPERBOLA n. a type of mathematical curve.
HYPERBOLEhyperbole n. (Uncountable, rhetoric, literature) Deliberate or unintentional overstatement, particularly extreme overstatement.
hyperbole n. (Countable) An instance or example of such overstatement.
hyperbole n. (Countable, obsolete) A hyperbola.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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