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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing B, E, H, I, O and P

AMPHIBOLEamphibole n. (Mineralogy) Any of a large group of structurally similar hydrated double silicate minerals, containing…
AMPHIBOLE n. any mineral of a group of dark-coloured, rock-forming silicates.
BAROPHILEbarophile n. An organism that lives and thrives under high barometric pressure; a form of extremophile.
BAROPHILE n. a bacterium able to tolerate high atmospheric pressure.
BASOPHILEbasophile n. Alternative form of basophil.
BASOPHILE adj. of white blood cells, having an affinity for basic stains, also BASOPHIL, BASOPHILIC.
BASOPHILE n. such a cell.
BIOPHORESbiophores n. Plural of biophore.
BIOPHORE n. a hypothetical unit of living matter, also BIOPHOR.
BIOSPHEREbiosphere n. The part of the Earth and its atmosphere capable of supporting life.
biosphere n. The totality of living organisms and their environment.
BIOSPHERE n. the plant and animal life on the earth.
BISHOPESSbishopess n. A female bishop.
bishopess n. The wife of a bishop.
BISHOPESS n. a female bishop.
BISPHENOLbisphenol n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of organic compounds, derived from methylenediphenol, CH2(C6H4OH)…
BISPHENOL n. a hydrocarbon used in the manufacture of plastics and resins.
ECOPHOBIAecophobia n. Fear of one’s home.
ecophobia n. A feeling of powerlessness to prevent cataclysmic environmental change, apocalypse, etc.
ECOPHOBIA n. fear of one's home surroundings.
EUPHOBIASEUPHOBIA n. a fear of good news.
EUPHORBIAeuphorbia n. Any plant of the genus Euphorbia, the spurges.
Euphorbia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Euphorbiaceae – the spurges, with numerous flowering plant species…
EUPHORBIA n. any herb or shrub of the spurge family.
NEOPHOBIAneophobia n. The fear or hatred of novelty, new things, innovation, or unfamiliar places or situations.
NEOPHOBIA n. fear of novelty.
NEOPHOBICneophobic n. (Psychology) A person or animal that fears or dislikes new or novel experiences or food.
neophobic adj. Afflicted by neophobia; fearing or disliking what is new.
NEOPHOBIC adj. hating novelty.
SHIPBORNEshipborne adj. Carried by ship.
SHIPBORNE adj. carried by ship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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