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There are 19 nine-letter words containing B, E, G, O and 2S

BAGHOUSESbaghouses n. Plural of baghouse.
BAGHOUSE n. a means of cleaning exhaust gases.
BESOGNIOSBESOGNIO n. (Italian) a beggar.
BETOSSINGbetossing v. Present participle of betoss.
BETOSS v. (Shakespeare) to agitate.
BIOGASSESbiogasses n. Plural of biogas.
BIOGAS n. gas obtained by bioconversion.
BOGEYISMSBOGEYISM n. belief in bogeys, also BOGYISM.
BOGGINESSbogginess n. The state or quality of being boggy.
BOGGINESS n. the state of being boggy.
BOGUSNESSbogusness n. The quality of being bogus.
BOGUSNESS n. the state of being bogus.
BOUGHLESSBOUGHLESS adj. without boughs.
BUGHOUSESbughouses n. Plural of bughouse.
BUGHOUSE n. (offensive) an insane asylum.
BUGLOSSESbuglosses n. Plural of bugloss.
BUGLOSS n. a wild flower, with bristly stem and vivid blue flowers.
DEBOSSINGdebossing v. Present participle of deboss.
DEBOSS v. to impress a design into.
EMBOSSINGembossing v. Present participle of emboss.
embossing n. A raised design or symbol that has been embossed.
EMBOSSING n. the act of decorating with raised designs.
GAMBESONSgambesons n. Plural of gambeson.
GAMBESON n. (historical) a leather or quilted coat worn as armour.
GOBSHITESgobshites n. Plural of gobshite.
GOBSHITE n. (offensive) a garrulous stupid idiot.
GOOSEGOBSgoosegobs n. Plural of goosegob.
GOOSEGOB n. gooseberry, also GOOSEGOG.
GROSBEAKSgrosbeaks n. Plural of grosbeak.
GROSBEAK n. any of various finches or finch-like birds with heavy bills.
OBESOGENSobesogens n. Plural of obesogen.
OBESOGEN n. a substance that causes abnormal weight gain.
OBSESSINGobsessing v. Present participle of obsess.
OBSESS v. to dominate the thoughts of.
SABOTAGESsabotages n. Plural of sabotage.
sabotages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sabotage.
SABOTAGE v. to destroy maliciously.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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