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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, E, G, L, R and S

BARGELLOSbargellos n. Plural of bargello.
BARGELLO n. (Italian) a type of needlework stitch that makes a zigzag pattern.
BEGIRDLESbegirdles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of begirdle.
BEGIRDLE v. to surround as with a girdle.
BEGLAMORSbeglamors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beglamor.
BEGLAMOR v. to dazzle with glamor.
BEGUILERSbeguilers n. Plural of beguiler.
BEGUILER n. one who beguiles.
BELONGERSbelongers n. Plural of belonger.
BELONGER n. a person of conservative values.
BERGFALLSbergfalls n. Plural of bergfall.
BERGFALL n. (German) a fall of mountain rock.
BERGMEHLSBERGMEHL n. (German) a powdery deposit of diatom frustules, aka kieselguhr.
BLAGUEURSblagueurs n. Plural of blagueur.
BLAGUEUR n. (French) one who talks pretentious nonsense, also BLAGUER.
BLIGHTERSblighters n. Plural of blighter.
BLIGHTER n. an unpleasant person.
BLUEGRASSbluegrass n. Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis.
bluegrass n. (Music, uncountable) A subgenre of country music with roots in Scots-Irish Appalachian folk music, blues…
blue␣grass n. Alternative spelling of bluegrass.
GABELLERSgabellers n. Plural of gabeller.
GABELLER n. a collector of gabelle, a tax on salt.
GERBILLESgerbilles n. Plural of gerbille.
GERBILLE n. (French) a desert rodent, also GERBIL, JERBIL.
GRABBLERSgrabblers n. Plural of grabbler.
GRABBLER n. one who grabbles, gropes.
GRADABLESgradables n. Plural of gradable.
GRADABLE n. things that are graded.
GRASPABLEgraspable adj. Able to be grasped.
graspable adj. Able to be understood or comprehended; understandable.
GRASPABLE adj. capable of being grasped.
GRUMBLERSgrumblers n. Plural of grumbler.
GRUMBLER n. one that grumbles.
INSELBERGinselberg n. (Geomorphology) A monadnock (isolated mountain).
INSELBERG n. (German) an isolated mountain or hill rising abruptly from its surrounding, aka monadnock.
JARLSBERGJARLSBERG n. (tradename) a Norwegian cheese.
THERBLIGStherbligs n. Plural of therblig.
THERBLIG n. a unit of work for quantifying industrial operations.
TREBLINGSTREBLING n. the act of multiplying by three.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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