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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing B, E, G, I, N and V

BEAVERINGbeavering n. Hunting or trapping beaver.
beavering v. Present participle of beaver.
BEAVER v. to work hard.
BEHOOVINGbehooving v. Present participle of behoove.
BEHOOVE v. to be fit, right or necessary, also BEHOVE.
BEKNAVINGbeknaving v. Present participle of beknave.
BEKNAVE v. to treat as a knave.
BELIEVINGbelieving v. Present participle of believe.
believing n. The act or process of having faith, trust, or confidence in.
believing n. Belief.
BEREAVINGbereaving v. Present participle of bereave.
BEREAVE v. to deprive esp. by death.
BESLAVINGbeslaving v. Present participle of beslave.
BESLAVE v. to make a slave of.
BEVELLINGbevelling v. Present participle of bevel.
bevelling n. A bevel, a bevelled facet.
BEVELLING n. a bevel or slant.
BREVETINGbreveting v. Present participle of brevet.
BREVET v. to confer an honorary military rank upon.
EMBRAVINGembraving v. Present participle of embrave.
EMBRAVE v. to inspire with bravery.
NAVIGABLEnavigable adj. (Of a body of water) Capable of being navigated; deep enough and wide enough to afford passage to vessels.
navigable adj. (Of a boat) Seaworthy; in a navigable state; steerable.
navigable adj. (Of a balloon) Steerable, dirigible.
OBSERVINGobserving v. Present participle of observe.
observing n. Observation.
OBSERVE v. to look attentively.
OBVERTINGobverting v. Present participle of obvert.
OBVERT v. to turn, to show a different surface.
REVERBINGreverbing v. Present participle of reverb.
REVERB v. (Shakespeare) to echo, reverberate.
SUBVENINGsubvening v. Present participle of subvene.
SUBVENE v. to arrive or occur as a support or relief.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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