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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing B, E, G, 2I and M

BECRIMINGBECRIME v. to make guilty of a crime.
BEDIMMINGbedimming v. Present participle of bedim.
BEDIMMING n. the act of making dim.
BEGRIMINGbegriming v. Present participle of begrime.
BEGRIME v. to soil with grime, also BEGRIM.
BELGICISMbelgicism n. (Politics) the political ideology which supports the political and economic union of Belgium; Belgian nationalism.
belgicism n. (Linguistics) a Dutch word or phrase of Belgian origin, typically never or rarely present in the Dutch…
belgicism n. (Linguistics) a French word or phrase of Belgian origin, typically never or rarely present in the French…
BEMISTINGbemisting v. Present participle of bemist.
BEMIST v. to envelop in a mist.
BEMOILINGbemoiling v. Present participle of bemoil.
BEMOIL v. (Shakespeare) to bemire, bedraggle.
BESLIMINGbesliming v. Present participle of beslime.
BESLIME v. to cover with slime.
BESMILINGbesmiling v. Present participle of besmile.
BESMILE v. to smile on.
BIGEMINALbigeminal adj. Occurring in pairs; doubled or twinned.
bigeminal n. The occurrence of premature atrial or ventricular heartbeats in pairs.
BIGEMINAL adj. having a double pulse.
EMBAILINGembailing v. Present participle of embail.
EMBAIL v. (obsolete) to encircle, to hoop in.
EMBOILINGemboiling v. Present participle of emboil.
EMBOIL v. (obsolete) to burn with anger.
IMBEDDINGimbedding v. Present participle of imbed.
imbedding n. Alternative form of embedding.
IMBED v. to plant firmly, also EMBED.
LIMBERINGlimbering v. Present participle of limber.
limbering n. The process of making something flexible or pliant.
LIMBER v. to make supple.
MISBEGINSMISBEGIN v. to begin wrongly.
MITIGABLEmitigable adj. That can be mitigated.
MITIGABLE adj. that may be mitigated.
TIMBERINGtimbering n. Any structure, partial structure, or other item made from timber.
timbering v. Present participle of timber.
TIMBERING n. timber collectively; work in timber.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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