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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing B, 2E, L, O and P

BARGEPOLEbargepole n. Alternative spelling of barge pole.
barge␣pole n. A type of quant pole used to propel a barge through the water.
BARGEPOLE n. a pole for propelling a barge.
BEANPOLESbeanpoles n. Plural of beanpole.
bean-poles n. Plural of bean-pole.
bean␣poles n. Plural of bean pole.
BEPOMMELSbepommels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bepommel.
BEPOMMEL v. to pommel soundly.
DEPOSABLEdeposable adj. Capable of being deposed, or deprived of office.
DEPOSABLE adj. capable of being deposed or deprived of office.
EPIBOLIESepibolies n. Plural of epiboly.
EPIBOLY n. the process by which one set of cells spreads over and surrounds another by dividing more rapidly, as in gastrulation.
EXPONIBLEexponible adj. Able to be, or requiring to be, explained.
EXPONIBLE adj. capable of being explained.
EXPOSABLEexposable adj. Capable of being exposed.
EXPOSABLE adj. that can be exposed.
HYPERBOLEhyperbole n. (Uncountable, rhetoric, literature) Deliberate or unintentional overstatement, particularly extreme overstatement.
hyperbole n. (Countable) An instance or example of such overstatement.
hyperbole n. (Countable, obsolete) A hyperbola.
PLACEBOESplaceboes n. Plural of placebo.
PLACEBO n. (Latin) a medicine given to humour a patient.
PORBEAGLEporbeagle n. A large pelagic predatory shark, Lamna nasus, of the Atlantic.
PORBEAGLE n. a species of shark, having a pointed nose and a crescent-shaped tail.
PREBOILEDpreboiled adj. Boiled in advance.
PREBOIL v. to boil beforehand.
PREPUEBLOprepueblo adj. Prior to communities based around a pueblo.
PREPUEBLO adj. belonging to the period before the Pueblo Indians.
PROBEABLEprobeable adj. Able to be probed.
PROBEABLE adj. that can be probed.
PROVEABLEproveable adj. Alternative form of provable.
PROVEABLE adj. that can be proved, also PROVABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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