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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing B, 2E, K, L and S

BAKELITESbakelites n. Plural of bakelite.
BAKELITE n. (tradename) a thermosetting resin used in electric insulators etc.
BEASTLIKEbeastlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a beast.
BEASTLIKE adj. like a beast.
BERSERKLYberserkly adv. In a berserk manner.
BERSERK adv. (Old Norse) out of control.
BESPECKLEbespeckle v. To add speckles.
BESPECKLE v. to mark with speckles or spots.
BLEAKNESSbleakness n. The characteristic of being bleak.
BLEAKNESS n. starkness.
BRAKELESSbrakeless adj. Without brakes (device used to slow or stop a vehicle).
BRAKELESS adj. without brakes.
EYEBLACKSEYEBLACK n. a dark pigment applied under the eyes.
EYEBLINKSeyeblinks n. Plural of eyeblink.
EYEBLINK n. a very small amount of time.
KEELBOATSkeelboats n. Plural of keelboat.
KEELBOAT n. a type of yacht with a heavy external keel to offset the weight of the sails.
KEYBUGLESkey-bugles n. Plural of key-bugle.
KEYBUGLE n. a bugle with keys.
LEASEBACKleaseback n. (Finance) A property transaction where a party sells something, then leases it from the purchaser. The…
LEASEBACK n. an arrangement whereby the buyer of a property leases it back to the seller.
MAKEABLESmakeables n. Plural of makeable.
MAKEABLE n. something that can be made, also MAKABLE.
SABERLIKEsaberlike adj. Alternative spelling of sabrelike.
SABERLIKE adj. like a saber, also SABRELIKE.
SABRELIKEsabrelike adj. Resembling a sabre.
SABRELIKE adj. like a sabre, also SABERLIKE.
SHAKEABLEshakeable adj. Alternative spelling of shakable.
SHAKEABLE adj. that can be shaken, also SHAKABLE.
SLAKEABLEslakeable adj. Alternative form of slakable.
SLAKEABLE adj. that can be slaked, also SLAKABLE.
SMOKEABLEsmokeable adj. Alternative form of smokable.
SMOKEABLE adj. that can be smoked, also SMOKABLE.
SPEAKABLEspeakable adj. That can be spoken; utterable, verbalizable.
speakable adj. Acceptable as a topic of discussion; not subject to taboo.
speakable adj. (Obsolete) Capable of speech.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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