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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing B, 2E, G, L and U

BECUDGELSbecudgels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of becudgel.
BECUDGEL v. to beat with a club.
BEGUILERSbeguilers n. Plural of beguiler.
BEGUILER n. one who beguiles.
BELEAGUERbeleaguer v. To besiege; to surround with troops.
beleaguer v. To vex, harass, or beset.
beleaguer v. To exhaust.
BUGLEWEEDbugleweed n. Any of the aromatic herbs in genus Lycopus, especially Lycopus virginicus, water horehound.
bugleweed n. Ajuga, a group of herbs used for ground cover; bugle.
BUGLEWEED n. a plant of the mint family, having mild narcotic and astringent properties.
BUTLERAGEbutlerage n. (Law, archaic) A duty formerly paid to the king’s butler on every tun of wine imported into England…
BUTLERAGE n. the department of a domestic butler.
GAUGEABLEgaugeable adj. Capable of being gauged.
GAUGEABLE adj. capable of being gauged, also GAGEABLE.
GUESSABLEguessable adj. Capable of being guessed.
GUESSABLE adj. that can be guessed.
JUDGEABLEjudgeable adj. Capable of being judged.
JUDGEABLE adj. able to be judged.
KEYBUGLESkey-bugles n. Plural of key-bugle.
KEYBUGLE n. a bugle with keys.
PURGEABLEpurgeable adj. Capable of being purged.
PURGEABLE adj. that can be purged.
REGULABLEregulable adj. Of or pertaining to being controllable; able to be made subject to regulation.
REGULABLE adj. that can be regulated.
UNBEGUILEunbeguile v. (Transitive) To set (someone) free from the influence of guile; to undeceive.
UNBEGUILE v. to set free from the influence of guile; to undeceive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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