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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing B, 3E, L and T

BEETFLIESbeetflies n. Plural of beetfly.
BEETFLY n. a fly which attacks beet plants.
BELEMNITEbelemnite n. (Paleontology) Any member of the extinct order †Belemnitida of Mesozoic marine cephalopods, very similar…
BELEMNITE n. a fossil pointed like a dart, being the internal shell of a cephalopod mollusc.
BELLETERSBELLETER n. a bellfounder.
BEVELMENTbevelment n. (Mineralogy) The replacement of an edge by two similar planes, equally inclined to the including faces…
BEVELMENT n. the process of bevelling.
BILLETEESbilletees n. Plural of billetee.
BILLETEE n. one who is billeted.
BLETHEREDblethered v. Simple past tense and past participle of blether.
BLETHER v. to talk nonsense.
BLETHERERbletherer n. (Especially Northern England, Scotland, Northern Ireland) Alternative spelling of blatherer.
BLETHERER n. one who blethers, talks loquacious nonsense, also BLATHERER.
CELEBRATEcelebrate v. (Transitive) To extol or honour in a solemn manner.
celebrate v. (Transitive) To honour by rites, by ceremonies of joy and respect, or by refraining from ordinary business;…
celebrate v. (Intransitive) To engage in joyful activity in appreciation of an event.
DELETABLEdeletable adj. Able to be deleted.
deletable n. Something that can be deleted.
DELETABLE adj. that can be deleted, also DELEBLE, DELIBLE.
DORBEETLEdorbeetle n. The dor.
DORBEETLE n. a dung-beetle.
EJECTABLEejectable adj. Able to be ejected.
ejectable n. (Aerospace) Any object that is ejected by a satellite while it is in space.
EJECTABLE adj. able to be ejected.
ELECTABLEelectable adj. Able to be elected to office.
electable n. A person who is able or fit to be elected to office.
ELECTABLE adj. capable of being elected.
ENTERABLEenterable adj. Capable of being entered.
ENTERABLE adj. that can be entered.
ERECTABLEerectable adj. Capable of being erected or raised up.
ERECTABLE adj. capable of being erected.
GREENBELTgreenbelt n. Alternative spelling of green belt.
green␣belt n. (Urban studies) An area of agricultural land around an urban area that is protected from large-scale housing.
green␣belt n. (Martial arts, uncountable) An intermediate rank…
HERBELETSherbelets n. Plural of herbelet.
HERBELET n. (Shakespeare) a small herb, also HERBLET.
STEERABLEsteerable adj. Capable of being steered.
STEERABLE adj. that can be steered.
TWEETABLEtweetable adj. (Internet, neologism) Capable of, or deserving of being sent as a message on the Twitter microblogging service.
TWEETABLE adj. (of a message) short enough to be posted on the Twitter website.
VEGETABLEvegetable n. Any plant.
vegetable n. A plant raised for some edible part of it, such as the leaves, roots, fruit or flowers, but excluding…
vegetable n. The edible part of such a plant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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