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There are 17 nine-letter words containing B, D, 2O, S and U

BLOODLUSTbloodlust n. A desire for bloodshed and carnage, often aroused in the heat of battle and leading to uncontrolled…
blood␣lust n. Alternative spelling of bloodlust.
BLOODLUST n. desire for bloodshed.
BLUEWOODSbluewoods n. Plural of bluewood.
BLUEWOOD n. a thorny shrub growing in Texas.
BODACIOUSbodacious adj. (US) Audacious and unrestrained.
bodacious adj. (US) Incorrigible and insolent.
bodacious adj. (Australia, US, slang) Impressively great in size, and enormous; extraordinary.
BRUSHWOODbrushwood n. Branches and twigs fallen from trees and shrubs.
brushwood n. Small trees and shrubs.
BRUSHWOOD n. loppings and broken branches; underwood or stunted wood.
BURNOOSEDburnoosed adj. Dressed in a burnoose.
BURNOOSED adj. wearing a burnoose, a cape with a hood worn by Arabs, also BURNOUSED.
DOUBLOONSdoubloons n. Plural of doubloon.
DOUBLOON n. an obsolete Spanish gold coin, also DOBLA, DOBLON.
DOUGHBOYSdoughboys n. Plural of doughboy.
dough␣boys n. Plural of dough boy.
DOUGHBOY n. a boiled flour dumpling; an American infantryman.
EUROBONDSeurobonds n. Plural of eurobond.
Eurobonds n. Plural of Eurobond.
EUROBOND n. a bond issued in a euro currency.
MOLYBDOUSmolybdous adj. (Chemistry) Of, pertaining to, or containing molybdenum; specifically designating those compounds in…
MOLYBDOUS adj. of molybdenum of lower valency.
OUTBOARDSoutboards n. Plural of outboard.
OUTBOARD n. a type of motor designed to be attached to the outside of a boat etc.
OUTBOUNDSoutbounds n. Plural of outbound.
outbounds n. The farthest or exterior bounds; outer limits.
OUTBOUNDS n. (Spenser) boundaries.
SNOWBOUNDsnowbound adj. Unable to move, because of heavy snow.
SNOWBOUND adj. shut in or prevented from travelling by snow.
SOFTBOUNDsoftbound adj. (Of a book) With a cover of flexible paper rather than a rigid cardboard cover.
SOFTBOUND adj. bound in soft covers.
SOFTBOUND n. a book bound in soft covers.
STUDBOOKSstudbooks n. Plural of studbook.
stud-books n. Plural of stud-book.
stud␣books n. Plural of stud book.
SUBCOOLEDsubcooled adj. (Physics) Describing a liquid whose temperature is less that its saturation temperature at a particular pressure.
SUBCOOL v. to cool below the freezing point.
SUBDOLOUSsubdolous adj. (Obsolete) sly; crafty; cunning.
SUBDOLOUS adj. rather crafty.
UNBOSOMEDunbosomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unbosom.
UNBOSOM v. to pour out; to tell freely.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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