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There are 19 nine-letter words containing B, D, N, 2O and U

BOARHOUNDboarhound n. A large dog, descended from breeds originally used to hunt boars.
Boarhound n. Synonym of Great Dane.
BOARHOUND n. a dog used to hunt boar.
BURNOOSEDburnoosed adj. Dressed in a burnoose.
BURNOOSED adj. wearing a burnoose, a cape with a hood worn by Arabs, also BURNOUSED.
CROPBOUNDcropbound adj. Having the crop (pouch-like part of the alimentary tract) clogged up, as by overfeeding.
CROPBOUND adj. of birds, suffering from impaction of the crop.
DOUBLETONdoubleton n. (Mathematics, rare) A set containing precisely two elements.
doubleton n. (Bridge) A pair of cards of the same suit, which are the only cards of that suit in a player’s hand.
DOUBLETON n. two cards that are the only ones of their suit dealt to a player.
DOUBLOONSdoubloons n. Plural of doubloon.
DOUBLOON n. an obsolete Spanish gold coin, also DOBLA, DOBLON.
DOWNBOUNDdownbound adj. Moving in a direction that is considered down, such as downstream or to a lower level.
downbound adv. Moving down.
DOWNBOUND adj. of e.g. a train, heading in a southerly directio.
EUROBONDSeurobonds n. Plural of eurobond.
Eurobonds n. Plural of Eurobond.
EUROBOND n. a bond issued in a euro currency.
HOMEBOUNDhomebound adj. Confined to one’s home, unable to leave it for some reason.
homebound adj. Heading homeward, homeward bound.
HOMEBOUND adj. stuck at home.
HOOFBOUNDhoofbound n. (Dated) Deformative contraction and dryness of the back part of the hoof of a horse.
hoofbound adj. (Dated) Of a horse: exhibiting deformative contraction and dryness of the back part of the hoof.
HOOFBOUND adj. of a horse, having dry contracted hooves, with resultant pain and lameness.
IRONBOUNDironbound adj. Bound with iron, ironclad.
ironbound adj. (Figurative) Rugged.
ironbound adj. (Figurative) Rigid, unyielding.
OUTBOUNDSoutbounds n. Plural of outbound.
outbounds n. The farthest or exterior bounds; outer limits.
OUTBOUNDS n. (Spenser) boundaries.
OVERBOUNDoverbound v. Simple past tense and past participle of overbind.
overbound v. (Transitive, archaic) To leap over.
overbound v. (Mathematics) To provide an upper bound to.
ROCKBOUNDrockbound adj. Surrounded by rocks.
rockbound adj. (CB radio slang) Limited in frequency because of a limited supply of crystals.
ROCKBOUND adj. hemmed in by rock, rocky.
ROOTBOUNDrootbound adj. (Of a potted plant) Having outgrown its pot, so that the roots are cramped and tangled.
root-bound adj. Alternative form of rootbound.
ROOTBOUND adj. rooted to the ground; potbound.
SNOWBOUNDsnowbound adj. Unable to move, because of heavy snow.
SNOWBOUND adj. shut in or prevented from travelling by snow.
SOFTBOUNDsoftbound adj. (Of a book) With a cover of flexible paper rather than a rigid cardboard cover.
SOFTBOUND adj. bound in soft covers.
SOFTBOUND n. a book bound in soft covers.
UNBLOODEDunblooded adj. Not yet blooded; untried in battle; still to take part in combat.
UNBLOODED adj. not blooded.
UNBOSOMEDunbosomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unbosom.
UNBOSOM v. to pour out; to tell freely.
WORDBOUNDword-bound adj. Unable to find expression in words: thwarted in wordfinding.
WORDBOUND adj. unable to find expression in words.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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