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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing B, D, L, O and 2S

BASELOADSbaseloads n. Plural of baseload.
BASELOAD n. the permanent load on power supplies.
BIOSOLIDSbiosolids n. Plural of biosolid.
BIOSOLID n. solid organic matter obtained from treated sewage.
BLASTOIDSblastoids n. Plural of blastoid.
BLASTOID n. one of the Blastoidea, a group of budlike calcareous fossil echinoderms.
BLONDNESSblondness n. The characteristic of being blond.
BLONDNESS n. the state of being blond.
BLOODLESSbloodless adj. Lacking blood; ashen, anaemic.
bloodless adj. Taking place without loss of blood.
bloodless adj. Lacking emotion, passion or vivacity.
BLOSSOMEDblossomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of blossom.
BLOSSOM v. to flourish and prosper.
BOUNDLESSboundless adj. Without bounds, unbounded.
BOUNDLESS adj. having no limits.
BROODLESSbroodless adj. Lacking a brood.
BROODLESS adj. without a brood.
DISBOWELSdisbowels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disbowel.
DISBOWEL v. to remove the intestines of.
DOUBTLESSdoubtless adj. Characterized by or experiencing no doubt at all, certain; undoubted; undoubting.
doubtless adj. (Obsolete) Free from fear or suspicion.
doubtless adv. Without doubt; very probably, in all likelihood; doubtlessly.
DOWSABELSDOWSABEL n. a sweetheart.
SEMIBOLDSSEMIBOLD n. a typeface between medium and bold.
SHADBLOWSshadblows n. Plural of shadblow.
SHADBLOW n. an American rosaceous bush flowering at shad spawning time, also SHADBUSH.
SLOBLANDSsloblands n. Plural of slobland.
SLOBLAND n. a mudflat, reclaimed alluvial land.
SUBDOLOUSsubdolous adj. (Obsolete) sly; crafty; cunning.
SUBDOLOUS adj. rather crafty.
SUBDORSALsubdorsal adj. Beneath the dorsal region.
SUBDORSAL adj. relating to the lower back.
SUBSOILEDsubsoiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of subsoil.
SUBSOIL v. to plow the layer of earth below the surface.
SUBWORLDSsubworlds n. Plural of subworld.
SUBWORLD n. a subdivision of a sphere of interest.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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