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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing B, D, 2L, R and S

BALLYARDSballyards n. Plural of ballyard.
BALLYARD n. a baseball ground.
BEADROLLSbeadrolls n. Plural of beadroll.
BEADROLL n. a list of the dead to be prayed for.
BELLBIRDSbellbirds n. Plural of bellbird.
BELLBIRD n. any of several tropical American birds having a bell-like call, aka campanero.
BILLIARDSbilliards n. (Games, Britain) A two-player cue sport played with two cue balls and one red ball, on a snooker sized table.
billiards n. (Games, US) Any of various games played on a tabletop, usually with several balls, one or more of which…
billiards n. Plural of billiard.
BIRDCALLSbirdcalls n. Plural of birdcall.
birdcalls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of birdcall.
BIRDCALL n. the call of a bird.
BORDELLOSbordellos n. Plural of bordello.
BORDELLO n. (Italian) a brothel, also BORDEL.
DIRTBALLSdirtballs n. Plural of dirtball.
DIRTBALL n. a dirty or contemptible person.
DOORBELLSdoorbells n. Plural of doorbell.
doorbells v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of doorbell.
door-bells n. Plural of door-bell (alternative form of doorbells).
HARDBALLShardballs n. Plural of hardball.
HARDBALL n. baseball.
SWORDBILLswordbill n. A hummingbird, Docimastes ensiferus, with a very long, slender bill, exceeding the length of the body of the bird.
SWORDBILL n. a kind of South American hummingbird.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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