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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing B, D, G, I, L and R

BARDLINGSbardlings n. Plural of bardling.
BARDLING n. a petty poet.
BEGIRDLEDbegirdled v. Simple past tense and past participle of begirdle.
BEGIRDLE v. to surround as with a girdle.
BEGIRDLESbegirdles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of begirdle.
BEGIRDLE v. to surround as with a girdle.
BRANDLINGbrandling n. The young or parr of the salmon, so named from its markings being, as it were, branded.
brandling n. A small, red earthworm, Eisenia fetida, used for bait in freshwater fishing.
BRANDLING n. a striped earthworm used as fishing bait.
BRIDGABLEbridgable adj. Alternative form of bridgeable.
BRIDGABLE adj. that can be bridged, also BRIDGEABLE.
BRODDLINGbroddling v. Present participle of broddle.
BRODDLE v. (dialect) to poke or pierce.
DIRIGIBLEdirigible n. (Aviation) A self-propelled airship that can be steered.
dirigible adj. Steerable.
DIRIGIBLE adj. that can be directed.
DRABBLINGdrabbling v. Present participle of drabble.
DRABBLING n. a manner of fishing for barbels with a rod and long line passed through a piece of lead.
DRIBBLINGdribbling v. Present participle of dribble.
dribbling n. An amount of liquid that is dribbled.
DRIBBLING n. the act of propelling a football with repeated small taps.
DRUMBLINGdrumbling v. Present participle of drumble.
DRUMBLE v. (dialect) to move slowly.
FLYBRIDGEflybridge n. A flying bridge.
FLYBRIDGE n. an open deck on a cabin cruiser.
GAOLBIRDSgaolbirds n. Plural of gaolbird.
gaol-birds n. Plural of gaol-bird.
GAOLBIRD n. an inveterate convict, also JAILBIRD.
GARIBALDIgaribaldi n. (Britain) a biscuit consisting of currants squashed between layers of flaky pastry.
garibaldi n. A bright yellow/orange damselfish, of the genus Hypsypops, from the seas of southern California.
garibaldi n. A kind of jacket worn by women.
GOLDBRICKgoldbrick n. Something fraudulent or nonexistent offered for sale; a swindle or con.
goldbrick n. (US, slang, dated) A shirker or malingerer.
goldbrick n. (US, slang, dated) A swindler.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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