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There are 18 nine-letter words containing B, D, E, M, N and S

BANDMATESbandmates n. Plural of bandmate.
BANDMATE n. a fellow member of a band.
BEMADDENSbemaddens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bemadden.
BEMADDEN v. to make mad, also BEMAD.
BODEMENTSbodements n. Plural of bodement.
BODEMENT n. a prediction or prophecy, also ABODEMENT.
BRIDESMANbridesman n. A male friend or companion of the bridegroom, having various ceremonial duties at a wedding.
bridesman n. A male bridesmaid; a man who attends a bride during her wedding ceremony, as part of the wedding party.
BRIDESMAN n. a male equivalent of a bridesmaid, also BRIDEMAN.
BRIDESMENbridesmen n. Plural of bridesman.
BRIDESMAN n. a male equivalent of a bridesmaid, also BRIDEMAN.
COMBINEDScombineds n. Plural of combined.
COMBINED n. a skiing competition combining two events.
DISENTOMBdisentomb v. To remove from a tomb.
DISENTOMB v. to take out from a tomb; to disinter.
DUMBCANESdumbcanes n. Plural of dumbcane.
DUMBCANE n. a poisonous tropical plant.
EMBOLDENSemboldens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of embolden.
EMBOLDEN v. to instil with courage, also IMBOLDEN.
ENDAMEBASENDAMEBA n. (Greek) a parasitic amoeba, also ENDAMOEBA, ENTAMEBA.
HABENDUMShabendums n. Plural of habendum.
HABENDUM n. the part of a deed that limits the extent of ownership.
IMBOLDENSimboldens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of imbolden.
IMBOLDEN v. to instil with courage, also EMBOLDEN.
MANDIBLESmandibles n. Plural of mandible.
MANDIBLE n. the bone of the lower jaw.
NUMBHEADSNUMBHEAD n. a stupid person, a blockhead.
OMBUDSMENombudsmen n. Plural of ombudsman.
OMBUDSMAN n. (Swedish) a government official who investigates complaints against government departments.
SUNBEAMEDSUNBEAMED adj. with sunbeams.
UNBEMUSEDunbemused adj. Not bemused.
UNBEMUSED adj. not bemused.
UNBOSOMEDunbosomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unbosom.
UNBOSOM v. to pour out; to tell freely.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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