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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing B, D, E, G and 2I

BEDIMMINGbedimming v. Present participle of bedim.
BEDIMMING n. the act of making dim.
BEGILDINGbegilding v. Present participle of begild.
BEGILD v. to gild.
BEGIRDINGbegirding v. Present participle of begird.
BEGIRD v. (archaic) to bind with a band or girdle.
BIGUANIDEbiguanide n. (Organic chemistry) The compound imidodicarbonimidic diamide derived from guanidine.
biguanide n. Any of a class of antihyperglycemic and antimalarial drugs based upon this compound.
BIGUANIDE n. one of a group of drugs used in the late onset of diabetes.
BIRDIEINGbirdieing v. Present participle of birdie.
BIRDIE v. to score one under par in golf.
BRIGADIERbrigadier n. (Military) An army rank; an officer commanding a brigade.
brigadier n. (Military, UK) A field officer of the highest grade, below general officers, NATO grade O7.
brigadier n. (Historical) The head of a workforce in the Soviet Union.
DEBRIDINGdebriding v. Present participle of debride.
debriding n. The removal of necrotic tissue or foreign matter from a wound, etc.
DEBRIDE v. (French) to remove dead tissue surgically.
DIRIGIBLEdirigible n. (Aviation) A self-propelled airship that can be steered.
dirigible adj. Steerable.
DIRIGIBLE adj. that can be directed.
DISOBLIGEdisoblige v. (Britain) to be unwilling to oblige; to disappoint, to inconvenience, not to cooperate.
disoblige v. (Britain) To offend by an act of unkindness or incivility.
DISOBLIGE v. to slight, inconvenience, etc.
IMBEDDINGimbedding v. Present participle of imbed.
imbedding n. Alternative form of embedding.
IMBED v. to plant firmly, also EMBED.
REBIDDINGrebidding v. Present participle of rebid.
REBID v. to bid again.
REBINDINGrebinding v. Present participle of rebind.
rebinding n. The act or process by which something is rebound.
REBIND v. to bind again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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